Hi :), I am experiencing a problem with video devices recognition by pjsua
running in Raspbian-Jessie, on Raspberry PI 3.
I guess that this problem could be related to a different use of Device Tree
(DT) in Raspbian-Jessie to manage module loading... but I am not sure...
Can anyone suggest a workaround to this problem to make pjsua work with
raspi camera?
Sample application pjsua shows:
pjsua_vid.c ..Initializing video subsystem..
openh264.cpp ...OpenH264 codec initialized
sdl_dev.c !SDL_Init() error: No available video device
colorbar_dev.c !...Colorbar video src initialized with 2 device(s):
colorbar_dev.c ... 0: Colorbar generator
colorbar_dev.c ... 1: Colorbar-active
By issuing "vid dev list" command, only colorbar devices are listed.
I am sure that the raspi camera works fine and the same is for monitor because "raspistill -f" bash command shows the live frames captured by raspi camera on the composite input monitor connected to Raspberry.
Starting from a fresh Raspbian-Jessie light image...
sudo apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf libtool libasound2-dev libpulse-dev libssl-dev libsamplerate0-dev libcommoncpp2-dev libccrtp-dev libzrtpcpp-dev libdbus-1-dev libdbus-c++-dev libyaml-dev libpcre3-dev libgsm1-dev libspeex-dev libspeexdsp-dev libcelt-dev
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev
I have then installed by compiling from source without any error the following:
libyuv (last version)
Note that pjproject-2.5.1/pjlib/include/pj/config_site.h
has been added with: #define PJMEDIA_HAS_VIDEO 1
Regarding pjproject configure, being libyuv and openh264 used:
./configure --disable-ffmpeg --disable-floating-point --with-libyuv=/<libyuv_path>/libyuv
In the recent past I have tried to install pjproject on Raspbian-Jessie, using an old Raspberry PI, ffmpeg and x264, making attempts with various flavours of ffmpeg and pjproject releases, even patching pjproject to get ffmpeg2 compatibility, but I had exactely the same problem: raspi camera was never recognized
With old Rspberry PI running pjsua in the previous Raspbian-Wheezy environment (ffmpeg and x264 support enabled) raspi camera was recognized without problem by pjsua
Unfortunately the old Raspberry is too slow to compress video with H264 codec so I need the new Raspberry PI 3, but old Raspbian-Wheezy doesn't work with the new Raspberry PI 3
Thank you in advance for any suggestion to solve Raspbian-Jessie compatibility with pjsua
Let's start from the obvious question: does the camera work with any
other Linux programs? For instance: cheese.
Once it does, maybe worry about pjsip.
Thank you for your answer Tzafrir Cohen, but I suspect you've only read
the first words of my post! Have you received it by the whole? Please
check it above ;)
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