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- [PATCH] Replace Windows-specific types in Speex resampler,
Tobias Schlager
- Error when processing reply from server with userless account,
Bogdan Cristea
- PJSUA2 Sip Server, Salih YILDIRIM
- pjsip put android phone on speaker,
Tailor, Mayur
- support for precondition, frogersik
- Opus Audio codec with pjsip not working on android, Tailor, Mayur
- Splitcomb and audio delay, 301
- Why is PJSIP 2.5.5 not sending ACK after Asterisk sends the 200 OK packet, Aleksandar Milenkovic
- Bad RTP pt 104 (expecting 9) + random source warning,
Kevin Rombach via pjsip
- how to set WMME audio device, segalion
- ice_demo doesn't use TURN/STUN server? How can it do NAT Traversal?, Chip Burwell
- Set device Volume with Pjmedia,
- RTP Extension Header,
Simone Freddio
- SDP getting configured with site IP instead of global IP in IPV6., vivek@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Assertion in sip_endpoint.c:170: pjsip_endpt_register_module,
Marant, Jerome (External)
- "481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist" when canceling before call connects, Danyi Lin
- undefined reference to `pjsua_create', Viditha Murahari
- PjSua2 with .Net Threading Problem, Salih YILDIRIM
- Unit tests in android, Symeon Mattes
- Re-registration problem with expires less than PJSIP_REGISTER_CLIENT_DELAY_BEFORE_REFRESH, Alexey Ermoshin
- Application-Specific RTCP packets, Lele
- Bug in account handling, Martin Schmid
- RTP-Rx statistic not plausible if decoder is paused,
Michael Scheiffler
- Create more than one pj_sock_socket for multicast connection - How to manage memory pool of pjmedia_endpoint,
- Conference slot issue with simultaneous call end / call begin, 301
- Video Call In Background,
Vedvyas Rauniyar
- Connect on multicast ipaddress (send/receive rtp packets), Lele
- Pjsip Client registration,
- Connection on a Multicast channel with PJSIP, Lele
- TLS - Changing video stream direction corrupt the video stream, Oren Barash
- how to disable buffering in pjsua log file in linux?,
- Does PJSIP mute early dialog when the UAC receive several SIP 183 for early media?, Rodrigo Pimenta Carvalho
- Assigning a value to a pj_str_t,
Marant, Jerome (External)
Is it possible to fork early media?,
Rodrigo Pimenta Carvalho
Doxygen LaTeX documentation troubles fixed, Michael Scheiffler
Marant, Jerome (External)
Message not available
SIP INVITE/ACK and SDP, Marant, Jerome (External)
More than 2 simultaneous audio devices, 301
pjsip python - compilation problem, Bc. Josef Jebavy
how to save pjsip video as picture, jeff
Android Sample Problem: Incoming & Outgoing Calls,
Tunç Ikikardes
How to process arbitrary request, Sergei Meishutovich
assertion failed error when answer in coming call with pjsip_sc_busy_here(486), zyxsjl@xxxxxxx
Echo cancellation for windows platform, R, Rajkumar (Raj)
Handling ip change during call, John Gathm
Re: VAD in pjmedia,
Gabor K
How to vad..., Gabor K
Symmetric NAT and port forwarding, Thiago Guimarães
Audio Underflow's effect on latency,
John M
Objective-C compiler not installed on this system, Nizar Ellouze
Objective-C compiler needed for Android Build,
Tunç Ikikardes
Missing initializer in PJMedia mips_test.c,
Michael Scheiffler
Missing pragma pack causes gcov crash,
Michael Scheiffler
How to know incoming) call is audio or video,
Tailor, Mayur
Immediate Hiring -freeswitch Developers- Noida/Delhi-India, sales
Detecting SRTP of Remote, Peter Warrick
Unable to stablish call through SIPS with SRTP Enforced., Gabriel Vasconcelos
pjsua 2.6 does not unsubscribe mwi at quit, Juha Heinanen
Contact header when SRTP is optional, David Talmage
Python video call, Boštjan Komac
Change video codec params during a video call, Mark Shen
IP in SDP from PJSIP UA changes only after router reset. Why?,
Rodrigo Pimenta Carvalho
How to add body to SIP REGISTRATION message in PJSIP using JAVA or C++?, wnas
Video Keep Alive is Disabled,
Oren Barash
How to put Proxy-Authorization in first SIP INVITE?,
Rodrigo Pimenta Carvalho
memory player and memory recorder, Cucumber
[PATCH] Add GnuTLS, DTLS, and other improvements,
Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Patch for crash in pjsua2 pj2Str(),
Nick Dowell
Debug PJSIP with android studio, R, Rajkumar (Raj)
Speex AEC reducing audio it shouldn't, John M
Building pjsip 2.6 for armeabi-v7a with Android NDK,
Tailor, Mayur
Problem compiling PJSIP: recompile with -fPIC, Oded Arbel
PJSIP - iOS external sound device, Owen L Brown
pjsip INVITE with URN support, Andrzej Grajnert
asterisk advisories AST-2017-002 and AST-2017-003,
Tzafrir Cohen
Resolve attempt to JIT for PJSIP (PJSUA2) C# on Xamarin.iOS AOT only, Casey Lowe
RTP Timeout Detection,
Piewald Georg
Eraly session support in pjsip_inv_session (2 SDPs in one SIP message), Zoltan . Toth . ext
parse error with IPV6 addresses in square brackets,
Franz Georg Köhler
Poor audio quality with splitter combiner, John M
Integrating PJSIP 2.6 (PJSUA2) in Xamarin.iOS (C#) [TypeInitializationException], Casey Lowe
compile error on mips platform,
Seanchann Zhou
unregister_and_destroy_dialog: unset dlg->dlg_set,
Alexei Gradinari
pjsip_inv_send_msg segfault fix,
Alexei Gradinari
Problem with Toshiba gateway, Michael Goffioul
STUN in local network,
Thiago Guimarães
STUN in local network, Thiago Guimarães
Android phone audio problem,
Branko Zebec
Android device how to change between handset and speakerbox, Branko Zebec
Enabling compact headers per call, David Talmage
clock_thread() sleep deeply after illegal/malformed RTP packages received, Xiaoming Deng
Android Issue on Ticket#1861(Video capture orientation), Xiaoming Deng
Callback function to calculate the response digest in java library, wnas
Increase timeout for processing outgoing call, bbnnvv
Pulse Audio in Pjsip,
PjSip transport, Denis Zhuchinski
PJSUA2 in Java: Multiple audio device,
Simone Freddio
Change caller ID before making a call, Bogdan Cristea
symbol lookup error with Python library, Oded Arbel
PJSIP Python sound device name, Антон Каменский
base64: fix issues,
Adrien Béraud
Problem with nameservers PJSUA2, wnas
Memory crash on SIP timer re-invite on iOS,
Colin Morelli
Hard coded telephony-event/8000,
Oren Barash
Error when using PJSUA 2.6 Python module,
Bogdan Cristea
How many threads and what are their purposes?, Viacheslav Mikerov
When call connects audio is lost, Dingo Egret
SIP REC support in PJSUA, Bogdan Cristea
Take the Open Source Survey, Perry Ismangil
android random crash when client call heavily,
Patch: ice_strans default_candidate selection, Colin Morelli
One-Way SRTP Issues, Colin Morelli
Bug in SRTP negotiation,
Colin Morelli
Android camera device is not free up after Hang up with back camera on, Сергей Митрофанов
PBX selection,
iOS Error: "Address already in use",
Frederik Riedel
Record video call, Bogdan Cristea
Bug in SRTP when pjsua_acc_config.use_srtp == PJMEDIA_SRTP_OPTIONAL,
David Talmage
pjmedia RTP session status flags are overridden, Karl Horvath
PJSIP Compilation is failing for MIPS as ABI with latest Android NDK toolchain, Mehul Hirpara
Switching capture device and playback device, Matthew Danielson
Video calls on Android - which libs are required?,
Zarko Coklin
pjsip_parse_uri() fails with '@' in URI parameter,
Brian White
Custom SIP INFO message parsing,
John Gathm
NAT64 ios issue,
Ashok Narvaneni
PJSIP making a simple Phone Call, Symeon Mattes
Unable to configure build environment to generate PJSIP lib for ABI=MIPS using Android NDK,
Mehul Hirpara
can't set Expires header value to 4294967295, Gross, Jeffrey
Incoming INVITE with SDP but without media descriptions, Piewald Georg
Issue with reinvite on Android,
Colin Morelli
Does PJSIP supports (RFC 6035 - SIP package for sending voice quality metrices)?, shubham verma
(PJNATH) Mystery packets received via Stun socket - identified as from Spotify, Howard Chalkley
Pjsip Recipe for Yocto,
T.38 FAX support in PJSIP, David Talmage
Crash with TURN enabled caused by an apparent race condition,
Alin Radut
Need Help in compile PJSIP library for IPhone,
Manoj kumar Dixit
Audio Call issue, Ashok Narvaneni
Record incoming calls, Bogdan Cristea
Pjmedia Write Frame in Seperate Thread,
Kiran Bhosale
Unable to make video call using pjsip 2.5.5, Srinivasa Raghavan Sundararajan
SIP Package for Voice Quality Reporting(RFC 6035) in PJSIP, shubham verma
Interesting deadlock bug found causing three threads to deadlock on the PJSUA, UA, and transaction locks.,
David Richards
[android] tongenerator in conference bridge, Andrzej Grajnert
Multiple conference calls on MIPS-125 MHz Embedded Linux,
Kiran Bhosale
pjsip 2.6 for Android missing linux/android_alarm.h in NDK r14, Anthony Alba
Assertion failed: (a->addr.sa_family == PJ_AF_INET || a->addr.sa_family == PJ_AF_INET6),
Vincent Narbot
Send audio wav only on left device channel,
audio call switch to video call pjsip,
Ashok Narvaneni
Switch from front to back camera, Ashok Narvaneni
tsx and glck not destroyed, Gerard van den Bosch
Asterisk crashs with PJSIP,
Presence Update, Ashok Narvaneni
PJSIP is core dumping on linux when the clock thread is destroyed., Ward, David (Proxy)
On Side Audio When Only One Party is Using ICE, Nahum Nir
Deadlock between dlg and tsx,
data exchange with pjsip modules,
Windows build fixes,
Sean Bright
How to use hardware encoded H264 from a camera in a Video Call?, Richard Perez
Video call Issue,
Ashok Narvaneni
PjSip UDP NAT keepalive,
Voice Quality specialist needed, Ruddy Gbaguidi
Can someone make a basic sip softphone android + iphone, vidhya sagar dixit
[Patch] In-band DTMF tone end detection bug, Thomas Janu
[ANDROID] Warning with speex and Jitter, Fanilo Gabaud
Using DTMF in pjsua, Niels Thole
PJSUA-LIB - cannot get remote sdp,
Nenad Milidrag
How to disable Automatic Gain Control,
Ruddy Gbaguidi
SIP BYE race between two UA with PJSIP 2.5.5 not ending call, Shane Cole
Multiple contacts/AOR, Nahum Nir
INVITE with Authorization header, Andrzej Grajnert
Re: Basic PJSUA question (without sound card),
Kpama Frederic
Building for Blackberry 10, Lorenzo Ferrante
Where is sndtest, Ruddy Gbaguidi
PJSIP does not use TURN as its last resort!, 曹贵林
H264 Video question, Jerry Horel
RTP Header extension,
[android] destroy endpoint on call -crash GC,
PJSUA Python cannot open sound device, Eric Le Bras
Is possible to set 2 output audio devices?, Lele
Forcing the use of simple GUID generator, brian
PJSIP Thread Query, Sourav Bhowmik
PJSIP 2.4.5 when using TCP and TLS references different ports in Via and Contact headers - why?,
Zarko Coklin
Forced memory cleaning, Василий
PJSIP 2.6 IPv6 ICE fails... sometimes, Alex
PJSIP not sending Authorization Header on 401,
Peter Warrick
PJSIP version 2.6 is released with UWP & WP8.x support, Nanang Izzuddin
Cant start build for armeabi-v7a, Aleksandar Milenkovic
Video is not visible on pjsip, Sree Harsha Malepati
PJSUA: purpose of pjsua_acc_add_local() after creating a transport, David Talmage
Remove sendrecv attribute from sdp - order/remove fields in SDP, Lele
send ACK request after it receives incoming 2xx response for INVITE, Lele
Hot audio device change, 301
Possible ICE check bug, Jonni Rainisto
Send Info Message with defined body,
Support for BLF PJSIP/PJSUA RFC 4235?, Jose Solares
SSL timeout,
Trigger Sip Messages during Pjsua Call, Lele
RFC 2833 DTMF digit detection problem,
Eric Le Bras
[PATCH] Enable creating memory recorder in pjsua, Jiulong Wang
Problem with registration and call over WiMAX,
Bojan Tanasijevic
Pjsip video support errors in ios,
Ashok Narvaneni
No sound from capture device when communication via Ethernet - Works properly with Wifi., Mysoft Systems
Use Pjsua without proxy server, is possible?, Lele
unable to reINVITE call when call is ringing, Bob Voorneveld
why pjsip 2.5 ios video will randomly can't display., yu gao
Wired vs WiFi on Windows UWP-Raspberry PI, Mysoft Systems
Problem binding socket in nat_detect.c,
Howard Chalkley
Creating multiple TCP listeners in PJSUA2,
Aleksandar Milenkovic
Issue with registering new event with evsub.c, Muhammad Usman Shahid
Adding ":" To Costume Contact Field, Nahum Nir
NetEQ Support?, wjhtinger
call transfer with pjsua2, 301
Soft Deadlock in pjsua_call_hangup?, Thomas Janu
Sound device not closed on call disconnect, sufi al hussaini hassani kamili raheemi
Re: pjsip_endpt_unregister_module crash at pjsua_init (pjsip2.5), qiulang
[bug] Python samples "registration.py" race-condition, Roland Koebler
[bug] Python pjsua: Error should derive from Exception, Roland Koebler
capture log-messages of pjsua.Lib(), Roland Koebler
Implementing custom mediaport for PJSUA2 (stdin/stdout), bloodcarter
detect worker-thread-exit/fail?, Roland Koebler
pjsip_endpt_unregister_module crash at pjsua_init (pjsip 2.5), qiulang
Multiple local accounts, 301
pjsip android - set max call to 1 makes app crash,
Andrzej Grajnert
Getting 488/Unacceptable Here on external phone calls, Jason Stäuble
Building pjsip with Maven,
David Talmage
Change remote address on the same transport, Muhammad Usman Shahid
unable to build pjsip project for UWP, dragy mil
Cannot register with SIP server,
Eric Le Bras
Multiple TCP/TLS Listener, Bernhard Schmidt
Changing codec parameter dynamically,
IPv6 and custom sip transport?, Guillaume Roguez
pjsua on Raspberry Pi (SEKCobra - John) - answer by Silvio, SL
[ANDROID] Speec warning, Fanilo Gabaud
Enable OpenGL on linux platform, 藍佳凡
strtok, ian gilmour
[ANDROID]Problem loading pjsip with OpenSSL, Fanilo Gabaud
Android & Open SSL 1.1,
Fanilo Gabaud
Transport adaptor in pjsua2, 301
pjsua on Raspberry Pi,
Microsip compilation error, Danial Haider
Samples Per Frame Conversion Problem., Gökhan KILIÇ
Android OpenSSL vulnerability issue,
Monica Memane
Register packets timeouts, António Richard Silva
PJSIP and Bitcode, Alin Radut
pjsua2 - send unregister before register, Andrzej Grajnert
snd_clock_rate not working, Muhammed Onur
Swift closure isn't allowed to capture context,
Stefan Godoroja
[pjsua2] Potential memory leak: Dialog seems not be destroyed, SanveanRu .
[android] pjsua_create: assertion "status == PJ_SUCCESS" failed',
Andrzej Grajnert
[PJSUA][Android] Issue when hanging a call in EARLY state,
Fanilo Gabaud
ICE init fails on bad turn server - patch included, Alexandre Viau
IPV6 support bug - patch included,
Alexandre Viau
Bug?: ICE Default Candidate, Colin Morelli
Error compiling 5472 on CentOS,
Ross Beer
IPv6 Media,
Colin Morelli
Asterisk segfault in pjsip_endpt_create_pool with PJSIP 2.5.5,
Bernhard Schmidt
pjsip on SoC,
H Yavari
ios 10 no audio, Bob Voorneveld
Support James Jones in the Extra Life 2016 event, James Jones
opencore-amr codecs on Android,
[PATCH] [RFC] Add attach2 to pjmedia transport interface,
b17 c0de
[PATCH] [RFC] Add pjmedia_stream_get_rtp_sessions() function,
b17 c0de
Android audio device,
Lars Olsson
PJ_EINVAL when trying to connect player to sink, SanveanRu .
Stop and resume audio with CallKit on iOS 10,
Stephan Swart
DNS resolver returns errno 97 when IPv6 is disabled, Szőts Ákos
many crashes in iOS10, maybe because to keep-alive timer,
camera driver splitting, SL
Crash in pjsua_acc_add starting with r5455, Dirar Abu-Saymeh
PJSIP iOS audio call issue : Unable to find default audio device (PJMEDIA_EAUD_NODEFDEV) [status=420006],
PJSUA for SIP to ISDN gateway,
Kiran Bhosale
destroy stream, Zappasodi Daniele
inband DTMF tone generation,
Khandker Mahmudur Rahman
[PATCH] Fix calling memchr or memcpy with NULL pointer,
b17 c0de
[BUG] Data race with pjmedia_stream stopping media,
b17 c0de
[PATCH] Fix data race in pj_time_decode(),
b17 c0de
iOS 10 problems,
Roger Huang
[PATCH] [RFC] Add function pjmedia_rtp_decode_rtp2(),
b17 c0de
Error printed when deleting a registered pj::Account,
b17 c0de
[PATCH] [RFC] Add function pjsip_tdata_get_dlg(),
b17 c0de
[PATCH] Fix leak in alsa_factory_refresh() on "null" device name,
b17 c0de
[PATCH] Fix global buffer overflow @sip_msg.c:254,
b17 c0de
asking for psjua2 support - onNatDetectionComplete, Martin Taschen
PJSIP Android UnSatisfiedLinkError, Monica Memane
SRTP: Unable to create media session: No active media stream after negotiation, Анцев Александр
Using OPUS on Android, Scott M Ober
Please help - wav_writer writing silence when switch to 1 conference bridge PER call (following pjsua-lib-perf FAQ),
Michael Leonard
[pjsua] How to add a custom message header?, Sunny Mok
pjusa2 - unable to define stunserver,
Hermann Norpois
Compiling for iOS with TLS and SRTP support, Matan D
pjsua2 - defining stun server, Hermann Norpois
undefined reference to `pj_dns_parse_addr_response',
Shantala R
PJSUA2 Audio problems,
Scott M Ober
How to set/send Call-Info header?,
Juergen Edner
Create account without send request REGISTER,
pjsip 2.5.5 Issue with video resizing, Alexander Butenko
SIP registration failed - too many hops, Hermann Norpois
Replacing a media transport using on_create_media_transport, Soup
Register successful for first sip, but while registering second sip application is failing., Sourav Bhowmik
patch: crash on using already destroyed ssl socket,
Alexei Gradinari
problem to get the address from an hostname, Nicolas Jäger
Patch: don't teminate the session when it doesn't have proper credentials,
Yaacov Akiba Slama
Linking C-API functions, when using pjsua2,
Piewald Georg
SWIG build error,
Scott M Ober
media.cpp: uncommented code,
Piewald Georg
Issues with SRTP and simplex audio, Lars Olsson
PJSUA audio latency, sanjay marathe
Android Pjsip get AudioRecorder instance,
Monica Memane
alsa dependency, Jerry Fath
ipv6 uri to be used for calling,
rohit sethi
pj_sock_bind sometime failed for ipv6,
SIP header allocation for pjsua_call_make_call(),
David Talmage
How to control VAD, b17 c0de
Why I get a PJSUA_INVALID_ID for the window ID from incoming call video stream on iOS? Please help, Kratos
No audio from local speaker, A. Liason
Unable to make video call, Meenakshi Tripathi
[iOS][IPV6 NAT64/DNS64] Seeing "No route to Host" when sending 200 OK response to INVITE.,
Jenkins SB
AEC echo cancelling,
Severin Birrer
Compiling PJSIP "--enable-shared". Some libs with incorrect architecture, Harold Dijkstra
pjmedia_rtp_encode_rtp() timestamp update, b17 c0de
[patch] Add pjmedia_stream_get_rtp_sessions function,
b17 c0de
pjsua_call_make_call crashes on windows 10, Norbert Weyrich
How to debug openh264 in pjsip?, 屈振华
How to send a out-of-dialog REFER message?, Lassi Romanainen
MP3 Writer fix and update, Toni Rutar
[PATCH] RTP Header Extension decoder, b17 c0de
[pjsua] Verify response headers,
b17 c0de
patch: add reference counter to pjsip_inv_session to avoid race condition,
Alexei Gradinari
[Android] Problem incoming call,
Fanilo Gabaud
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