I do not think you can share the audio recorded so using the Java API is probably not an option.
Have a look at pjsua_conf_get_signal_level
It can probably do what you are looking for. You probably have to build some average though since these values are instantaneous.
From: pjsip on behalf of Monica Memane
Reply-To: pjsip list Date: Thursday, 15 September 2016 at 09:12 To: "pjsip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Cc: Ravi Deshmukh Subject: [pjsip] Android Pjsip get AudioRecorder instance Hi,
I want to implement some sort of visual indicator of the current volume level of the sound being taken in by the microphone. The problem is if I create a new instance of Android AudioRecord then it conflicts with default audio record settings defined by pjsip. Is there a by which I can get the default AudioRecorder defined by PJSIP and use that to show the mic level indicator. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/AudioRecord.html Regards, Monica |
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