Hi Kumar, Thanks for the support. I have been used your recipe and bitbake is working fine, but when I run bitbake of Yocto Image that includes pjsiproject (thus pjsip recipe), in the target filesystem there aren't PJSIP libraries. Should I copy some directories in do_install task? Thanks in advice Best Regards Ll Da: pjsip [mailto:pjsip-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Per conto di Praveen Kumar Hi Lele, You can use the following recipe as a reference & give it a shot. Please note that I'm manually downloading the PJSIP code (rather than bitbake recipe fetch it) & placing it source code. Also, I'm installing all the PJSIP libs & includes in my source directory itself using 'prefix' while configuring. You can customize as per you need. DESCRIPTION = "PJ Project" SECTION = "app" LICENSE = "" PR = "" DEPENDS = "alsa-lib openssl" inherit autotools pkgconfig do_configure_prepend () { export LD="${CXX}" } do_configure() { cd ${TOPDIR}/../sources/meta-eliuaccs/recipes-app/pjproject-lib/pjproject-lib ./aconfigure --host=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi --disable-libwebrtc --target=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi --prefix=${TOPDIR}/../sources/meta-eliuaccs/recipes-app/pjproject-lib } do_compile_prepend() { cd ${TOPDIR}/../sources/meta-eliuaccs/recipes-app/pjproject-lib/pjproject-lib oe_runmake dep oe_runmake } do_install() { cd ${TOPDIR}/../sources/meta-eliuaccs/recipes-app/pjproject-lib/pjproject-lib oe_runmake install } do_pre_clean() { cd ${TOPDIR}/../sources/meta-eliuaccs/recipes-app/pjproject-lib/pjproject-lib oe_runmake clean rm -rf ${TOPDIR}/../sources/meta-eliuaccs/recipes-app/pjproject-lib/include rm -rf ${TOPDIR}/../sources/meta-eliuaccs/recipes-app/pjproject-lib/lib } addtask do_pre_clean after do_clean -- Mobile: +91 987 162 3666 | Skype: praveenkumar_vvdn On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 5:06 PM, Lele <86eldnl@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
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