Hello, I'm trying to use port forwarding on the router as an alternative to solving the problem with transporting the audio through symmetric NAT, without needing a media relay, but I don't know if I'm doing it right. I'm using pjsua2_lib to create my classes. To start the lib; ... pj::TransportConfig tcfg; tcfg.publicAddress = getAppProperties()->getMyPublicIpAddress(); tcfg.port = udpPort; //Set local port for SIP transport. Default is 5060 for UDP and TCP, and 5061 for TLS. try { pj::Endpoint::instance().libCreate(); pj::Endpoint::instance().libInit(endpointConfig); pj::Endpoint::instance().transportCreate(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, tcfg); pj::Endpoint::instance().codecSetPriority("opus/48000", 131); pj::Endpoint::instance().libStart(); } catch (pj::Error & error) { std::cout << error.reason; } ... To register my account on the server I'm using "class MyAccount : public pj::Account" and I set the transportConfig properties. ... MyAccount:: MyAccount(string server, string user, string password) { pj::AccountConfig acc_cfg; pj::AuthCredInfo aci_cfg("digest", "*", std::string(user), 0, std::string(password)); acc_cfg.idUri = String("sip:" + user + "@" + server).toStdString(); acc_cfg.regConfig.registrarUri = ("sip:" + server).toStdString(); acc_cfg.sipConfig.authCreds.push_back(*&aci_cfg); acc_cfg.presConfig.publishEnabled = PJ_TRUE; acc_cfg.mediaConfig.transportConfig.publicAddress = getAppProperties()->getMyPublicIpAddress(); acc_cfg.mediaConfig.transportConfig.port = getAppProperties().getUserSettings()->getMediaTransportRtpPort(); acc_cfg.mediaConfig.transportConfig.portRange = 10; this->setDefault(); create(acc_cfg); } ... At each endpoint I set up a different localport and rtpport (range). And on the router I forwarded the respective ports to the respective endpoints. However, I believe we will not need to forward the localport. Both endpoints are on the same network and the SIP server is in the cloud (public ip). In this test STUN and ICE are disabled. Should that work? If anyone can help me, Thanks . Thiago Guimarães _______________________________________________ Visit our blog: http://blog.pjsip.org pjsip mailing list pjsip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://lists.pjsip.org/mailman/listinfo/pjsip_lists.pjsip.org