Sorry my mistake, 2.4.5, is my version.
I'm running in a Samsung S7 (arm64) ... and I'm getting that problem
2016-05-12 12:48 GMT+01:00 Michael Barthold <Michael.Barthold@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Why don't you work with the latest version, and only 1.4.5?
2.4.5 compile and run without any problems on marshmallow.
Hello all,
I'm compilling PJSIP(1.4.5) for Android 6.0 and I'm getting a problem with the TLS connection, just in that device, where I get PJSIP_SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE reason tlsv1 alert protocol version 300.
In another android like 4.4.2 I don't get any error.
any idea how to solve this problem?
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