Linux Netfilter / IP Tables
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- Re: ftp problem!, (continued)
- why packet get through the netfilter even if i drop all in FORWARD,
- can netfilter capture internal network packet?,
- ip masqurade,
Gary Metcalf
- how can i set iptables for forwarding,
dawn lin
- eth0, ppp0 & ppp1,
Paul Miller
- Masquerading + denying port access, Willem-Jan Meijer
- Problem Found! - Firewall Rule,
John Paul
- Reciving Failed, Thomas Lussnig
- Redhat Linux 8.0 IPtables help,
Sundaram Ramasamy
- Firewall troubles,
Willem-Jan Meijer
- bootpc,
Matthew Pocock
- [ANNOUNCE] rh7.3 / rh9 / cl9 RPMS of iptables-1.2.8 and ulogd-1.0.0,
Harald Welte
Two IP add,
Paulo Andre
a question about user-defined chain,
silly question, how to block all outgoing traffic?,
iptables: Invalid argument, Florian Effenberger
Firewall script..., Vilmos Branyik
Help: ip_pptp_* Issue,
John Paul
ip route + routing ip from one block to another, xavier renaut
How to compile iptables for Linux running on Ipaq, Tahmid Quazi
help with iptables,
Tahmid Quazi
Question about nfmark,
Abhinav Gupta
Cross compilation of user-space tools, john zurowski
Solved: routing between 2 nets on same LAN, tsh
Compiling iptables for Ipaq,
Tahmid Quazi
RE: netfilter and VoIP,
George Vieira
how to got lasting time about one connection from iptable log?,
Any holes in this firewall script?,
Jun Sun,
Francisco Raúl Flores
IPSec Passthru?, David Busby
Configuration problem..,
edgar bautista
Nat problem with GRE,
routing bewteen two networks on the same LAN,
T. Horsnell
help regarding DNAT,
broadcasting netbios into a dmz,
TTL - Time To Live,
Devlin Gonçalves
IP Tables State 1.3,
Phil Dibowitz
Forward UDP broadcast,
Rommy Taslim
Can't use iptables -m string with any RedHat distri,
RE: iptables from cgi script,
George Vieira
DAT - dynamic address translation, Andre Correa
MSN Voice chat with Iptables,
hare ram
RE: MSN Voice chat with Iptables, George Vieira
routing between 2 nets on same LAN,
iptables dial-up, Craig
varadero, Gladson George
problems filtering ms file shares,
Matthew Pocock
A Good Question about log,
Blesson Paul
Vijay Saha, Noida
brouter, Thom
iptables on a bridge interface,
Traffic relaying Q?, Michael J. Kidd
RE: Problems with NAT - it worked !,
George Vieira
firewall whoes,
Jerry M. Howell II
connect me to the list, khalifa Ally
How to run iptables insert command on linux box as non root user?,
Israel Zavalza Bahena
Need some clarity,
Michael Carroll
iptables/conntrack in enterprise environment.,
Preston A. Elder
ENGEL Gerald
Usage of netfilter, Aditya Bhasin
Filter ARP and Broadcasts,
Bobby Guerra
NAT PPPOE & MTU problems,
A problem - connections dies, Peter Pohlmann
Correctly logging MAC address, Joshua D. Drake
Ntfilter with Embedded Linux, Ed _
about N-to-N NAT, sword
help: ip_nat_pptp,
V. Pascual
libipq usage, Ed _
Blocking Windows,
Jan Wilson
Re: SOLVED : Re: where is,
David T-G
where is,
David T-G
Static compile issues,
Cory Visi
lots of ACK/FIN filtering (DPT=80) at web server.,
RE: upgrade to iptables from ipchains,
netfilter - packet extraction and insertion, Ed _
netfilter - Dual NIC configuration,
Ed _
squid + masquerade/nat + pptp problem,
Thierry ITTY
New not syn issue,
port blocking,
Imran Alvi
Skipping connection tracking for certain traffic types?,
Ville Mattila
pptp NAT modules prevent pptp-server behind NAT machine, Urban Spielmann
iptables + access-list,
Burak Sahin
Masquerade Problem,
Peter Pohlmann
upgrade to iptabels from ipchains,
iptables and 802.1q tagging,
Paul Albert
vpn between networks with private ip network segment conflicts,
Drew Einhorn
IPSec passthrough,
dhiraj . 2 . bhuyan
Strange paket loss on trivial NAT configuration...,
Matthias Hopf
help needed-VPN,
Steven Mugassa
libipq with pthreads, Oumer Teyeb
ADSL + RADIO, phadell
AW: Multi PPTP clients behind iptables firewall, Urban Spielmann
MASQUERADING problem under iptables 1.2.8 - kernel 2.4.20,
Julien Duvault
Limiting connections per time,
Alexandre Hautequest
voicechat(yahoo messenger),
kaushalender shekhawet
PASV rules opening up my high-ports - Whoops - sent the first one in HTML,
PASV rules opening up my high-ports!, jherschel
RE: help: ip_nat_pptp/ip_nat_conntrack,
George Vieira
iptables not correctly marking packets based on source address, Hugh Buchanan
How to deny private net accessing each other by private net ip, b22
traceroute:, Anders Fugmann
disallow access from two internal networks,
Miguel Manso
Problem with ip_nat_amanda, Alessandro Prete
Rules are followed inconsistently in firewall, netfilter
RE: NAT of entire subnets,
George Vieira
DNAT and UDP?? passes through my rules., George Vieira
Filtering with NAT, fsauer
Leszek Zur
HELP--Is it posible to SNAT certain port--,
Reverse NAT functionality., Ram Devarayi
Some confuisions about following script,
Salman Ahmed
NetFilter DMZ question...,
Richard Whittaker
Paul Clark
transparent tcp proxy,
Michael Stilmant
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT - j DNAT,
Leszek Żur
How to set up,
passive mode ftp,
Eric Constantineau
RE: IP conflicts, George Vieira
UnNATing return packets,
Tim Saunders
Problem with configuration script, Ethan Treviño
Multiple IP addresses,
Brei, Matt
can we shape the kazaa traffic,
Serge Blondin
New versions again..., Oskar Andreasson
Port FWD via 2 NAT,
Test script for P2P,
Dr Aldo Medina
RE: Open for MSN MESSENGER sound and camera trafic, Serge Blondin
RE: split iptables log from messages,
Gladson George
redirect ROUTE, Joel
passive vs active ftp, Patrick Ahler
Mangling problem,
Regina Reine
Libipq problems...,
Michael Forrest
nat no traffic returns,
B. van Ouwerkerk
strange phenomena about ip_conntrack,
Re: [netfilter-core] Procedure for iptables upgradation from 1.2.4 to 1.2.8., Harald Welte
3 part firewall,
Robert Cole
how to filter kazaa,
how to handle ftp data stream?, David T-G
IP Limit, Dhirendra Pal Singh
AW: Open for MSN MESSENGER sound and camera trafic, robowarp
Torsten Puls
ready to cry over NATting!,
David T-G
Im new, Aris Santillan
iptables module load error, Robert Cole
port forwarding for PPTP Server, Arnold Rebullida
I don´t want anyone can scan my server ,
Strange MAC address,
download problem,
Sharad Mittal
Re: Question about ip_nat_pptp with netfilter, Harald Welte
doubts(plz help),
nasrajan mp
Newbie netfi;ter question,
Ken Kachnowich
Multi PPTP clients behind iptables firewall,
Urban Spielmann
Netfilter, IP Fragmentation, and local_out hook, Nico
SNAT: in on the outside if (eth1), then out to a remote IP, Terry Mackintosh
About iptables, anıl pazvant
Can not build data connection., edgar bautista
flushtimeout in ipt_ULOG question,
Vladimir Getselevich
Is this firewall breakable?, Jun Sun
Help for IP Masquerading and Win2k, Jon Ferguson
using libiptc in module?,
Packet Flags & ICMP errors,
Christopher Davis
one more newbie question, this time MRTG.,
Drew Weaver
! means on iptables,
Julius Wijaya
allowing certain IP addresses.,
Drew Weaver
problems with NAT script, Michael
Desktop sharing with netmeeting,
Patrick Ahler
Help setting up a firewall on a machine,
Shri Shrikumar
Problems with policy based routing,
error compiling iptables-1.2.8 on linux kernel-2.5.69,
Anatoly Pugachev
Question about Nth matching,
David Trott
SuSEfirewall2 and NAT help : i am so lost!,
David T-G
Kernel module iptable_drop, Garcia Ruiz
link failover, Leonardo Borda
Connection Rate Limiting,
Daniel David Benson
libipq question,
Shirshanka Das, Arnt Karlsen
NOT acceptable "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup" script !!!,
netfilter and kernel 2.5.* ipsec, Andreas Jellinghaus
dynamically update iptables with module ?,
Help for IP Masquerading,
Salman Ahmed
How to block the real IP rather than an entire proxy?,
J and T
NAT slowdown, Mike McLean
NAT help,
Performance losings with iptables,
Michael Albrecht
iptables/nat API, Farshad
Netmeeting and messenger ports,
Pedro C. Arias
Newbie Question: Counting TX Bytes IP Aliases, Allon Bendavid
Source IP Address,
H323 patch with VPN,
Help : IPTABLES RULE - VPN, Voltaire Pascual
IPtables redirect rules,
iptables, ftp conntrack and module helper, Francois LE BOURDELLES
How to block internet messenger,
Fauzi Badron
RedHat kernel & H323patch,
Patrick Ahler
bridge and redirect traffic to the bridge?, Leon Stankowski
About iptables log, gbj
Denying access to a public IP,
packet matching problem,
TFTP ..unable to track...,
Gautham Thavva
seeking help on iptable/netfilter and X protocol,
Reuven Kohanim
top level rules,
Patrick Ahler
tools for netfilter,
Leonardo Borda
Logs of iptables,
Pedro C. Arias
Help needed-How to install CIPE, Steven Mugassa
[ANNOUNCE] New Core Team Member - Martin Josefsson, Jozsef Kadlecsik
Asymmetric routing, Dhyanesh Ramaiya
[ADMIN] was down due to hardware problem, Harald Welte
iptables multiple clients internal network warcraft3,
Thomas Stian Bergheim
How to nat a full subnet ?,
Errors on startup of iptables 1.2.8, Trevor Morrison
NAT and FTP connection track, Joao Cesar Marigonda
logging port numbers, Dave Cattermole
Rules stop working? HELP!?!?!, Michael Hale
Iptables and Oneway Satellite, Tech
I need some help.., Horace W. Sears
DNAT/SNAT stuff,
Spanish translation of unreliable guides,
Dr Aldo Medina
Performance Decrease,
Shawn Mall
no route to host on port 80,
Tim Dionne
kernel programming & packet filtering, barkkarn aravinda
ftp on iptables, Emmanuel "Noel" Gabriel
Rule matching question [iptables code structure],
Active FTP with client behind NAT,
Joao C. Marigonda
more fun with squid,
Patrick Ahler
Enabling Samba,
Mark Tessier
problem with DNS server behind nat/packet filter,
enjoy . the . silence
iptc_zerro_entries segfaults, why?, Peteris Krumins
userspace packet processing, Farshad
Newbie - Default Deny Setup,
Jeff Mesch
Routing Question,
Chris Hoeschen
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