Hello, Use PortSentry, read this URL: http://www.linuxworld.com/site-stories/2001/1002.portsentry.html for more info. Then you can configure it to trigger a deny rule to the offending IP once PortScan or PortProbes are detected. Check the links below for Install and configs: http://linux.rice.edu/help/tips-sentry.html http://www.tldp.org/LDP/solrhe/Securing-Optimizing-Linux-RH-Edition-v1.3/cha p14sec116.html PortSentry is not available at psionic.com. For latest tarballs check this site: http://net-recon.dnsalias.com/software/trisentry/ Regards. aljuhani@xxxxxxxxx ----- Original Message ----- From: "juanca" <juanca@xxxxxxxxxx> To: <netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 00:03 Subject: I don´t want anyone can scan my server > What rulset should implement? > I don´t want anyone can scan my server? > I need that all requests been rejected > > Thanks in advance > > > >