Re: Firewall troubles

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Op donderdag 5 juni 2003 15:43, schreef Willem-Jan Meijer:
> Hello all,
> I'm running debian 3.0r1 stable with all security and usual updates. I was
> running a
> firewall wich is send with this e-mail as attachment.
> It was running fine, but recently my hdd died and recovery was to expensive
> and not
> necessary because I had a backup. I installed debian again, did all updates
> and I wanted
> to load the firewall, but when I load this one, my remote login hangs, I
> can't ping
> my server anymore and my network isn't working anymore, but the script has
> runned fine
> before. What is the problem? At this moment ipmasq is also installed to
> keep my network
> running, this is conflicting, I know but I don't know anything else.
> Can someone point me in the right direction? I'm using linux/debian from
> november 2002,
> so my knowledge is very small.
> HTH,
> Willem-Jan Meijer
> Netherlands
> Windows: Where do you want to go today?
> MacOS:   Where do you want to be tomorrow?
> Linux:   Are you coming or what?

Heb je bij je backup ook erop gelet ,dat je de rechten ervan moet behouden ? 
Als die nu niet meer goed staan , loopt ook alles in de soep !

Did you preserve the user-rights with taken your backup ?
When they not match the old install , your in trouble !


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