We are maintaining a Linux Sever as the gateway and we are using IP Tables for Nating and routing. It is working perfectly. Now the question is about the log it is displaying. There are lots of packets from the internet which are get "DROPED". Presently the information in the log contains the src address(address somewhere in the internet), the destination address(always the IP of the Linux Server) , ports etc. I need to know more information about the droped packets. The important information I need to know to which computer in the intranet the src is intended to sent. I also like to know the internal table which contains the NAT information.
Blesson Paul
Blesson Paul, Software Engineer, Integrated Computing Environments Ltd, Cochin Special Economic Zone, Cochin - 682 030, India. Tel: +91-94473 70103(M) +91-484-2413 083(O), +91-484-2413 096(O) +91-481-2380 893(R)
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