Linux TCP/IP Netfilter
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- How to check user-defined chains
- From: b-m@xxxxxxxxxx (Bart)
- Rules for blocking Email from domain
- From: danny@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Danny Thuering)
- i use iptables for nat, and can connect with ping command but other ports can't connect
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Rules for blocking Email from domain
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- setup firewall to allow Remote Desktop in XP???
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Purely NAT
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Rules for blocking Email from domain
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- counting packets and bytes
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Loading Additional Modules
- From: hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (hare ram)
- counting packets and bytes
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- DNAT, SNAT, port ranges and protocols
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Loading Additional Modules
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- Loading Additional Modules
- From: harish.k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (harish.k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- DHCRELAY through IPTABLES Firewall
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- DNAT, SNAT, port ranges and protocols
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- DHCRELAY through IPTABLES Firewall
- From: bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- DHCRELAY through IPTABLES Firewall
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- DHCRELAY through IPTABLES Firewall
- From: bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- DHCRELAY through IPTABLES Firewall
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Packet chain traversals
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- connection track logging
- From: amyyang@xxxxxxxxxxx (Amy)
- Problem With NAT to NAT with IPTABLES
- From: hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (hare ram)
- Packet chain traversals
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Purely NAT
- From: jchan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jet (jchan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx))
- IGMP Query on Remote IP
- From: dchri@xxxxxxxxxxx (Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis)
- Packet chain traversals
- From: blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx (Oskar Andreasson)
- Packet chain traversals
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Packet chain traversals
- From: blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx (Oskar Andreasson)
- Packet chain traversals
- From: blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx (Oskar Andreasson)
- Packet chain traversals
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Failure to build modules with 1.2.7a and kernel 2.4.19
- From: dhughes@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Don Hughes)
- install modules
- From: martinez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rodrigo Martinez)
- setup firewall to allow Remote Desktop in XP???
- From: linuxnewbie74@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ben Tan)
- DHCRELAY through IPTABLES Firewall
- From: bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- DHCRELAY through IPTABLES Firewall
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- DHCRELAY through IPTABLES Firewall
- From: bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (bigman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Creating a Hybrid Connection to Balance Traffic
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Creating a Hybrid Connection to Balance Traffic
- From: kevin.dwyer@xxxxxxxx (Kevin Dwyer)
- Creating a Hybrid Connection to Balance Traffic
- From: nfml@xxxxxxxx (Andrew Smith)
- i use iptables for nat, and can connect with ping command but other ports can't connect
- From: irvan_adrian@xxxxxxxxx (Irvan Adrian Kristiono)
- Creating a Hybrid Connection to Balance Traffic
- From: blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx (Oskar Andreasson)
- Creating a Hybrid Connection to Balance Traffic
- From: raptorion@xxxxxxxxx (Paul Aumer-Ryan)
- Why cant the firewall machine resolve host names??
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Why are XMAS and NULLS scans not filtered with these rules?
- From: solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maciej Soltysiak)
- can't compile simple netfilter hook
- From: bdumitriu@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Bogdan DUMITRIU)
- comments + suggestions on script hopefully can help others out
- From: jericho@xxxxxxxx (mike)
- Why are XMAS and NULLS scans not filtered with these rules?
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- Performace problems with NAT
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- MASQ,FTP,portbased routing
- From: Christian Recktenwald <netfilter-dist@xxxxxxxxx> (Christian Recktenwald)
- H323 and Traffic Control
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- Performace problems with NAT
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Performance Problems with iptables
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Performance Problems with iptables
- From: berndt.sevcik@xxxxxxxxx (Berndt Sevcik)
- Performace problems with NAT
- From: berndt.sevcik@xxxxxxxxx (Berndt Sevcik)
- H323 and Traffic Control
- From: kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jozsef Kadlecsik)
- H323 and Traffic Control
- From: yves.metivier@xxxxxxxxxxx (yves.metivier)
- Debian Error?
- From: solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maciej Soltysiak)
- State of Stateful Inspection
- From: blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx (Oskar Andreasson)
- patch netlink
- From: rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx (R. Sterenborg)
- Fw: Hi , problem with quota and Time
- From: hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (hare ram)
- Un-MASQ'd Packets
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Debian Error?
- From: mb@xxxxxxxxxx (Matias Bjørling)
- Un-MASQ'd Packets
- From: nfml@xxxxxxxx (Andrew Smith)
- State of Stateful Inspection
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- ip_queue and connection tracking
- From: hofors@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mattias Rönnblom)
- Why would these rules cause errors only sometimes?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- what do the contents of /proc/net/ip_tables_names mean?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- H323 and Traffic Control
- From: yves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (yves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- iptables smtp
- From: kancha2np@xxxxxxxxx (Kancha .)
- patch netlink
- From: amyyang@xxxxxxxxxxx (Amy)
- Why would these rules cause errors only sometimes?
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- iptables log
- From: ferresebastien@xxxxxxxxxx (Sébastien Ferré)
- How to bind 2 WAN 1 LAN ?
- From: nfml@xxxxxxxx (Andrew Smith)
- what do the contents of /proc/net/ip_tables_names mean?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- How to bind 2 WAN 1 LAN ?
- From: GeorgeV@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (George Vieira)
- Many rules
- From: benoit.peccatte@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Benoit Peccatte)
- Why would these rules cause errors only sometimes?
- From: Alistair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alistair Tonner)
- curious about /etc/init.d/iptables script in RH 8.0
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- what do the contents of /proc/net/ip_tables_names mean?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- State of Stateful Inspection
- From: jasondixon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jason Dixon)
- poptop connection problem
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- How to bind 2 WAN 1 LAN ?
- From: murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- curious about /etc/init.d/iptables script in RH 8.0
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- what do the contents of /proc/net/ip_tables_names mean?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- poptop connection problem
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- poptop connection problem
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- About libipq
- From: netfilterlist@xxxxxxxxxxx (Yan Li)
- About libipq
- From: netfilterlist@xxxxxxxxxxx (Yan Li)
- setting up my own ruleset under red hat 8.0
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- are the four packet "states" all-encompassing?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- are the four packet "states" all-encompassing?
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- are the four packet "states" all-encompassing?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- Hi , problem with quota and Time
- From: hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (hare ram)
- are the four packet "states" all-encompassing?
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- RELATED emulation without ip_conntrack
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- are the four packet "states" all-encompassing?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- RELATED emulation without ip_conntrack
- From: roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk)
- How exactly does RELATED work in Connection Tracking?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- How to bind 2 WAN 1 LAN ?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- static IP, different gateway & dns
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- z-newnat16 again......
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- Why would these rules cause errors only sometimes?
- From: yotov@xxxxxxxxxxx (Boryan Yotov)
- Why would these rules cause errors only sometimes?
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- Why would these rules cause errors only sometimes?
- From: yotov@xxxxxxxxxxx (Boryan Yotov)
- ICQ and masqueraded clients- is module written yet?
- From: ferry.van.steen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ferry van Steen)
- How to bind 2 WAN 1 LAN ?
- From: raykey@xxxxxxxxxxxx (冷日)
- Why would these rules cause errors only sometimes?
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- IPTables Query
- From: harish.k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (harish.k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- patch netlink
- From: amyyang@xxxxxxxxxxx (Amy)
- ICQ and masqueraded clients- is module written yet?
- From: diegorh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Diego R. Rodriguez Herlein)
- IPTables Query
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Simple http firewall.
- From: flach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Eduardo Flach)
- z-newnat16 again......
- From: juliano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Juliano Dapper)
- IPTables Query
- From: stewart.thompson@xxxxxxx (Stewart Thompson)
- *****SPAM***** p-o-m for kernel]
- From: throwaway8306@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Patty O'Furniture)
- ICQ and masqueraded clients- is module written yet?
- From: Alistair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alistair Tonner)
- How exactly does RELATED work in Connection Tracking?
- From: mdonof2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Matthew Donofrio)
- nmap
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- what rules to use
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- RELATED emulation without ip_conntrack
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- static IP, different gateway & dns
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- z-newnat16 - Implementation of the new nat API forkernel2.4.19-pre4 and above.
- From: (Martijn Lievaart)
- RELATED emulation without ip_conntrack
- From: roy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk)
- static IP, different gateway & dns
- From: Clayton Check" <clayton.check@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Clayton Check)
- How exactly does RELATED work in Connection Tracking?
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- static IP, different gateway & dns
- From: Clayton Check" <clayton.check@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Clayton Check)
- what rules to use
- From: julioody@xxxxxxxxxx (Julio Cesar Ody)
- mangling netfilter extension and PMTU discovery question
- From: alan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (alan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- nmap
- From: gavin@xxxxxxxx (Gavin)
- nmap
- From: kilobug@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gaël Le Mignot)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- IPTables Query
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Masquerading
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Newby Question
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Are ok those rules to not filter smtp?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- nmap
- From: gavin@xxxxxxxx (Gavin)
- iptables -m state & New !SYN (conntrack problem)
- From: rsllst2@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ruslan Kazansky)
- IPTables Query
- From: harish.k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (harish.k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- IPTables Query
- From: stewart.thompson@xxxxxxx (Stewart Thompson)
- nmap
- From: kilobug@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gaël Le Mignot)
- IPTables Query
- From: harish.k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (harish.k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- static IP, different gateway & dns
- From: Clayton Check" <clayton.check@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Clayton Check)
- nmap
- From: zeus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (zeus)
- *****SPAM***** p-o-m for kernel]
- From: amyyang@xxxxxxxxxxx (Amy)
- Time based rule change.
- From: fabrice-marie-sec@xxxxxxxxxxx (Fabrice MARIE)
- 2.4.20-pre7: ip_conntrack: table full, dropping packet.
- From: nfml@xxxxxxxx (Andrew Smith)
- Time based rule change.
- From: nfml@xxxxxxxx (Andrew Smith)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- nmap
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- Tunneling FTP over SSH through an IPTables NAT/Filter setup...
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- nmap
- From: hellbreak@xxxxxxxxxxx (hellbreak)
- nmap
- From: fonetica@xxxxxxxxxx (antonio)
- Time based rule change.
- From: kevin.dwyer@xxxxxxxx (Kevin Dwyer)
- z-newnat16 - Implementation of the new nat API for kernel2.4.19-pre4 and above.
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- How exactly does RELATED work in Connection Tracking?
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- nmap
- From: aforster@xxxxxxxxxx (Antonio Paulo Salgado Forster)
- Time based rule change.
- From: baker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jason Baker)
- nmap
- From: kilobug@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gaël Le Mignot)
- nmap
- From: andy.wood@xxxxxxxxx (Andy Wood)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- z-newnat16 - Implementation of the new nat API for kernel 2.4.19-pre4 and above.
- From: juliano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Juliano Dapper)
- nmap
- From: aforster@xxxxxxxxxx (Antonio Paulo Salgado Forster)
- nmap
- From: fonetica@xxxxxxxxxx (antonio)
- what filtering to do on the OUTPUT chain?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- nmap
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- nmap
- From: kilobug@xxxxxxxxxxx (Gaël Le Mignot)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: filt5447@xxxxxxxxx (blah blah)
- Bridge with tunnel openvpn
- From: Allang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Allan Gee)
- Tunneling FTP over SSH through an IPTables NAT/Filter setup...
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Problem with iptables P-O-M
- From: hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (hare ram)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- nmap
- From: fonetica@xxxxxxxxxx (antonio)
- Iptables and remote control on Windows clients
- From: oscgoogle@xxxxxxxxx (Oscar Picasso)
- iptables v1.2.1a - packets not reaching tun(0) from eth0 interfac e
- From: srihari.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxx (Raghavan, Srihari)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: filt5447@xxxxxxxxx (blah blah)
- Tunneling FTP over SSH through an IPTables NAT/Filter setup...
- From: cpoupart@xxxxxxxxxx (Chris Poupart)
- SNAT rule
- From: childew@xxxxxxx (William L. Childers)
- MARK and ping packets
- From: torne-netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Torne Wuff)
- Problem with iptables P-O-M
- From: hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (hare ram)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: nfml@xxxxxxxx (Andrew Smith)
- Logging Portscans
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: wouter.coppens@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Wouter Coppens)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: kim.leandersson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Kim Leandersson)
- MSN Voice chat problem
- From: mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Vicky Shrestha)
- nfnetlink for kernel
- From: amyyah@xxxxxxxx (yang)
- How exactly does RELATED work in Connection Tracking?
- From: mdonof2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Matthew Donofrio)
- PPTP Question
- From: rommyt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rommy Taslim)
- Newbie Question
- From: childew@xxxxxxx (William L. Childers)
- Masquerading
- From: wilsonf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Wilson Fletcher)
- Logging Portscans
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- iptables v1.2.1a - packets not reaching tun(0) from eth0 interface
- From: srihari.raghavan@xxxxxxxxxx (Raghavan, Srihari)
- 2.4.20-pre7: ip_conntrack: table full, dropping packet.
- From: laforge@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Harald Welte)
- Logging
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: filt5447@xxxxxxxxx (blah blah)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Trouble with --dport
- From: filt5447@xxxxxxxxx (blah blah)
- doing prerouting/postrouting/output logfile problems
- From: Alistair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alistair Tonner)
- doing prerouting/postrouting/output logfile problems
- From: sander@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sander Sneekes)
- From: vanessa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <vanessa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (vanessa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- NAT problem
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- doing prerouting/postrouting/output logfile problems
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- cvs
- From: jhill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Hill, John)
- Strange Problem - IPTables or Hardware related ????
- From: teastep@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tom Eastep)
- doing prerouting/postrouting/output logfile problems
- From: sander@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sander Sneekes)
- NAT problem
- From: lxsara@xxxxxxxxx (saravanan sakthi)
- Forwarding intranet ip's
- From: vk2kcf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Gary Hodder)
- Logging Aliased Interfaces.
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Logging Portscans
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Logging Portscans
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- Logging Portscans
- From: ferry.van.steen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ferry van Steen)
- Forwarding intranet ip's
- From: ferry.van.steen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ferry van Steen)
- Forwarding intranet ip's
- From: ferry.van.steen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ferry van Steen)
- Logging Portscans
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxx (netfilter@xxxxxxxxx)
- Forwarding intranet ip's
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Logging Portscans
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- Forwarding intranet ip's
- From: vk2kcf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Gary Hodder)
- p-o-m for kernel
- From: amyyang@xxxxxxxxxxx (Amy)
- Help on NAT
- From: lxsara@xxxxxxxxx (saravanan sakthi)
- mason
- From: rjonese@xxxxxxx (Robert Jones)
- DNAT Help
- From: rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx (R. Sterenborg)
- DNAT Help
- From: kim.leandersson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Kim Leandersson)
- Forwarding intranet ip's
- From: ferry.van.steen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ferry van Steen)
- Forward intranet ip's
- From: vk2kcf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Gary Hodder)
- DNAT Help
- From: morgan@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Morgan)
- NAT Problem
- From: morgan@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Morgan)
- Logging Aliased Interfaces.
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Logging Aliased Interfaces.
- From: andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Andy Wood)
- iptables binary
- From: maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx (Aaron Clausen)
- Forwarding intranet ip's
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Forwarding intranet ip's
- From: vk2kcf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Gary Hodder)
- Newbie Question - starting iptables as a service
- From: dino@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mario Antonio)
- alias interfaces
- From: dino@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mario Antonio)
- alias interfaces
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Newby Question
- From: nfets@xxxxxxx (Antonio W. Lagnada)
- Has anyone got "Pump" working?
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- ip_conntrack
- From: nfml@xxxxxxxx (Andrew Smith)
- alias interfaces
- From: dino@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mario Antonio)
- alias interfaces
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Strange Problem - IPTables or Hardware related ????
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- alias interfaces
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- alias interfaces
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- how to construct rule to match multiple non-sequential ipv4 addresses
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- how to construct rule to match multiple non-sequential ipv4 addresses
- From: sniper@xxxxxxx (Chris Len)
- alias interfaces
- From: dino@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mario Antonio)
- Netfilter vs Cisco PIX
- From: ballard@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Bryan Ballard)
- Strange Problem - IPTables or Hardware related ????
- From: rstein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rodolfo Siviero Stein)
- Netfilter performance?
- From: d97pson@xxxxxxxxxxx (Magnus Petersson)
- One-to-one NAT
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- One-to-one NAT
- From: kofa@xxxxxxxxxxx (Kovacs Istvan)
- ICMP conntrack
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- Newbie Question - Redirect traffic to Internal Web Server -SOLUTION
- From: flavio@xxxxxxxxxxx (Flávio Brito)
- ICMP conntrack
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- ICMP conntrack
- From: vincent.lim@xxxxxxxxxx (Vincent Lim)
- ICMP conntrack
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Newbie Question - Redirect traffic to internal Web server -SOLUTION
- From: flavio@xxxxxxxxxxx (Flávio Brito)
- Rules not taking effect - 2nd try
- From: tib@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tib)
- ICMP conntrack
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- ICMP conntrack
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Rules not taking effect - 2nd try
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- ICMP conntrack
- From: vincent.lim@xxxxxxxxxx (Vincent Lim)
- Possible bug for delete specific rule w/ RedHat 8.0, Kernel 2.4.18, Iptables 1.2.6a
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Rules not taking effect - 2nd try
- From: tib@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tib)
- Are ok those rules to not filter smtp?
- From: amuchut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alfredo Muchut)
- Rules not taking effect
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Rules not taking effect
- From: tib@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tib)
- Newbie Question - starting iptables as a service
- From: dino@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mario Antonio)
- Newbie Question - Redirect traffic to internal Web server
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Newbie Question - Redirect traffic to internal Web server
- From: alagana@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Aldo S. Lagana)
- Newbie Question - Redirect traffic to internal Web server
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Newbie Question - Redirect traffic to internal Web server
- From: flavio@xxxxxxxxxxx (Flávio Brito)
- Tracking firewall resources
- From: rreid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rowan Reid)
- Time based rule change.
- From: Deepak.Kameswaran@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Deepak.Kameswaran@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Letting Hotline downloads through
- From: ragable@xxxxxxxxx (Chris Born)
- RTP traffic matching
- From: zander@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sebastian Zander)
- RTP traffic matching
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- RTP traffic matching
- From: fd-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Francois Dessart)
- traffic shaping and netfilters
- From: fetchnob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (fetchnob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- Letting Hotline downloads through
- From: ragable@xxxxxxxxx (Chris Born)
- RTP traffic matching
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- RTP traffic matching
- From: fd-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Francois Dessart)
- ip_conntrack
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- ip_conntrack
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- ip_conntrack
- From: jrw@xxxxxx (jrw@xxxxxx)
- Ineeed of major help with Dynamic IP Addy for my IPTABLES :(((
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- Ineeed of major help with Dynamic IP Addy for my IPTABLES :(((
- From: jbkim@xxxxxxxxxx (JeeBak Kim)
- Ineeed of major help with Dynamic IP Addy for my IPTABLES :(((
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- Ineeed of major help with Dynamic IP Addy for my IPTABLES :(((
- From: natasha3641@xxxxxxxxx (Tasha Smith)
- Netfilter NAT & Quake
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- ip_conntrack_lock not readlocked ? anyone ....
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- PPTP is working... sortof ... help!!!
- From: qle@xxxxxxxxxx (Qui Le)
- Failed to patch tcp-window-tracking.patch...
- From: juliano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Juliano Dapper)
- Log output going to screen
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Establish new connection.
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- ip_conntrack_lock not readlocked? anyone?
- From: gandalf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Martin Josefsson)
- ipconntract
- From: Kevin.Dwyer@xxxxxxxx (Kevin Dwyer)
- Log rules
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- Log output going to screen
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- Netfilter vs Cisco PIX
- From: iturkmen@xxxxxxxxxx (İhsan Turkmen)
- Log output going to screen
- From: george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (George Agnelli)
- ip_conntrack_lock not readlocked? anyone?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- ip_conntrack_lock not readlocked? anyone?
- From: hallian@xxxxxxxxxxx (hallian hallian)
- ipconntract
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- ipconntract
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- ipconntract
- From: Kevin.Dwyer@xxxxxxxx (Kevin Dwyer)
- ipconntract
- From: leeken_alex@xxxxxxxxx (alex leeken)
- iptables sync?
- From: martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Martin Forest)
- Tightening up outgoing traffic
- From: apapadop@xxxxxxx (Alexandros Papadopoulos)
- Unexpected RSTs?
- From: mklingens@xxxxxx (Martijn Klingens)
- Tightening up outgoing traffic
- From: neh@xxxxxxxxx (Neil Hodge)
- /proc entries related to firewalling
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- IPSec passthrough with iptables
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Problems with patch-o-matic (submitted).
- From: carles@xxxxxxxxx (Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó)
- H.323 Masquerading
- From: carles@xxxxxxxxx (Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó)
- Letting Hotline downloads through
- From: ragable@xxxxxxxxx (Chris Born)
- IPSec passthrough with iptables
- From: david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (David A Golden)
- Netfilter and multiple internet connections
- From: Oblivion@xxxxxxxxxx (Jan)
- (no subject)
- From: ragable@xxxxxxxxx (Chris Born)
- Connection opening problem (prev: FTP/auth problems (slooow links))
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Netfilter and multiple internet connections
- From: nfml@xxxxxxxx (Andrew Smith)
- Connection opening problem (prev: FTP/auth problems (slooow links))
- From: Svein.Seldal@xxxxxxxxxxx (Svein E. Seldal)
- bandwidth measurement
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- bandwidth measurement
- From: julioody@xxxxxxxxxx (Julio Cesar Ody)
- ip_conntrack_lock not readlocked ? anyone ....
- From: smalik@xxxxxxxxxxxx (smalik@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- H323 NAT.
- From: carles@xxxxxxxxx (Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó)
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Tightening up outgoing traffic
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- From: oh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sean Oh)
- Tightening up outgoing traffic
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Searle)
- Tightening up outgoing traffic
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- sk_buff_head
- From: luigicart@xxxxxx (Luigi Cartuccia)
- Tightening up outgoing traffic
- From: list@xxxxxxxxxx (Kjetil Andreas Laasby)
- Tightening up outgoing traffic
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- IPSec passthrough with iptables
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Help for 2nics, 2isps, email out to only use 1isp
- From: furick1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Grant Furick)
- Tightening up outgoing traffic
- From: neh@xxxxxxxxx (Neil Hodge)
- From: rmocius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rimas)
- Netfilter and multiple internet connections
- From: Oblivion@xxxxxxxxxx (Jan)
- IPSec passthrough with iptables
- From: george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (George Agnelli)
- H.323 Masquerading
- From: alasdair.ramsay@xxxxxxxxxx (Alasdair Ramsay)
- PPTP Conntrack
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- IPSec passthrough with iptables
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Netfilter NAT & Quake
- From: michelbriand@xxxxxxx (Michel Briand)
- IPSec passthrough with iptables
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- PPTP Conntrack
- From: adarsh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Adharsh Praveen R)
- Advice on network config (unix - linux and windows - mac)
- From: nuitari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nuitari)
- IPSec passthrough with iptables
- From: hpcaz@xxxxxxxxx (Thomas Smith)
- From: oh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sean Oh)
- websense
- From: ballard@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Bryan Ballard)
- can not install iptables-1.2.7a to 2.4.18 kernel successfully ?
- From: xiong.xiaochun%ZTE_LTD@xxxxxxxxxx (xiong.xiaochun%ZTE_LTD@xxxxxxxxxx)
- [LARTC] owner based policy routing
- From: ja@xxxxxx (Julian Anastasov)
- Making iptables gateway transparent to outside...
- From: alagana@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Aldo S. Lagana)
- IPSEC and other non tcp/udp/icmp blocking
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- [release] iptables tutorial 1.1.14
- From: blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx (Oskar Andreasson)
- Advice on network config (unix - linux and windows - mac)
- From: david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Bourgeois)
- IPSEC and other non tcp/udp/icmp blocking
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- [LARTC] owner based policy routing
- From: aforster@xxxxxxxxxx (Antonio Paulo Salgado Forster)
- Iptables and GRE/PPTP
- From: george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (George Agnelli)
- Advice on network config (unix - linux and windows - mac)
- From: david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Bourgeois)
- How to change my mailing list mailbox?
- From: markus.noch@xxxxxxxxxxx (Markus Noch)
- [LARTC] owner based policy routing
- From: arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx (Arindam Haldar)
- How to change my mailing list mailbox?
- From: hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (hare ram)
- Newbie Question -forcing to pass in squid
- From: hare ram" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (hare ram)
- IPSEC and other non tcp/udp/icmp blocking
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- IPSEC and other non tcp/udp/icmp blocking
- From: fabrice-marie-sec@xxxxxxxxxxx (Fabrice MARIE)
- Possible bug for delete specific rule w/ RedHat 8.0, Kernel 2.4.18, Iptables 1.2.6a
- From: dpaul@xxxxxxx (Daniel Paul)
- iptables and suddenly refused connections for vpn
- From: riho@xxxxxx (Riho Randla)
- PPTP conntrack
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- FTP/auth problems (slooow links)
- From: nuitari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nuitari)
- Newbie Question -forcing to pass in squid
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- PPTP conntrack
- From: riceri@xxxxxxx (Rickard Eriksson)
- Connection opening problem (prev: FTP/auth problems (slooow links))
- From: Svein.Seldal@xxxxxxxxxxx (Svein E. Seldal)
- about bridge firewall
- From: list@xxxxxxxxxx (Kjetil Andreas Laasby)
- Newbie Question -forcing to pass in squid
- From: ksaenz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Kevin Saenz)
- Newbie Question -forcing to pass in squid
- From: flavio@xxxxxxxxxxx (Flávio Brito)
- [Q] IP MASQ and IPROUTE2 ?
- From: oh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Sean Oh)
- Portscan logging?
- From: roger@xxxxxxx (Roger)
- about bridge firewall
- From: chulmin2@xxxxxxxxxxx (SB CH)
- Portscan logging?
- From: schuster.sven@xxxxxx (Sven Schuster)
- FTP/auth problems (slooow links)
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: phil-netfilter@xxxxxxxx (Phil Howard)
- FTP/auth problems (slooow links)
- From: Svein.Seldal@xxxxxxxxxxx (Svein E. Seldal)
- VPN Masquerading not working
- From: george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (George Agnelli)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: creatix@xxxxxxxxx (Thomas Heinz)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: creatix@xxxxxxxxx (Thomas Heinz)
- FTP/auth problems (slooow links)
- From: Alistair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alistair Tonner)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: thomas.lussnig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Lussnig)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- H.323 masquerading
- From: qno-netfilter@xxxxxx (Christian H. Kuhn)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: phil-netfilter@xxxxxxxx (Phil Howard)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: phil-netfilter@xxxxxxxx (Phil Howard)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: phil-netfilter@xxxxxxxx (Phil Howard)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: thomas.lussnig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Thomas Lussnig)
- FTP/auth problems (slooow links)
- From: Svein.Seldal@xxxxxxxxxxx (Svein E. Seldal)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: phil-netfilter@xxxxxxxx (Phil Howard)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- how to block 10000's of addresses?
- From: phil-netfilter@xxxxxxxx (Phil Howard)
- logging of MAC in FORWARD-chain
- From: a.gietl@xxxxxxxxxx (Andreas Gietl)
- owner module + patch-o-matic
- From: apapadop@xxxxxxx (Alexandros Papadopoulos)
- IPSEC and other non tcp/udp/icmp blocking
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Problem with counting
- From: nuitari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nuitari)
- Yahoo Messenger
- From: harvey@xxxxxxxxxx (Halasan . Harvey)
- How will stop follwoing service
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- Yahoo Messenger
- From: harvey@xxxxxxxxxx (Halasan . Harvey)
- How to change my mailing list mailbox?
- From: yuzuohong@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Yu Zuohong)
- iptables performance test tool?
- From: chulmin2@xxxxxxxxxxx (SB CH)
- [LARTC] owner based policy routing
- From: ja@xxxxxx (Julian Anastasov)
- IPSEC and other non tcp/udp/icmp blocking
- From: murli@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mitesh P Choksi)
- Connection or process limit
- From: peted@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Pete Davis)
- prevent script kiddies to abuse my ppp connection
- From: rreid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rowan Reid)
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- Send mail Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- prevent script kiddies to abuse my ppp connection
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Fw: How to remove Established Connection
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Optimize large iptables by hashing on MAC address help
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- making services invisible
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- H.323 masquerading
- From: qno-netfilter@xxxxxx (Christian H. Kuhn)
- Send mail Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- Optimize large iptables by hashing on MAC address help
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Searle)
- H.323 Masquerading
- From: christian.kuhn@xxxxxx (Christian H. Kuhn)
- Unexpected RSTs?
- From: mklingens@xxxxxx (Martijn Klingens)
- Fw: How to remove Established Connection
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- Unexpected RSTs?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Unexpected RSTs?
- From: mklingens@xxxxxx (Martijn Klingens)
- Fw: How to remove Established Connection
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- iptables, voip, mac match
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- iptables, voip, mac match
- From: gavin@xxxxxxxx (Gavin)
- Fw: How to remove Established Connection
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- iptables, voip, mac match
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- Optimize large iptables by hashing on MAC address help
- From: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dan Searle)
- From: riceri@xxxxxxx (Rickard Eriksson)
- Fw: How to remove Established Connection
- From: mutk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael)
- Fw: How to remove Established Connection
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- iptables, voip, mac match
- From: gavin@xxxxxxxx (Gavin)
- Fw: How to remove Established Connection
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Changing the source on incoming messages
- From: Yaakov_Metzger@xxxxxxxxxx (Metzger Kobi)
- Fw: How to remove Established Connection
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- pptp-conntrack-nat.patch Vs pptp-gre-ct-nat-0.83.patch]
- From: adarsh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Adharsh Praveen R)
- [OT] HTML Posting
- From: Bishop <bishop@xxxxxxxxxxx> (Bishop)
- syntax help
- From: gmillerd@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Gabriel C Millerd)
- [OT] HTML Posting
- From: mdew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (mdew)
- Can't install iptables 1.2.7a AND: RE: [PATCH] conntracker/nat helper for Microsoft Media Services
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- Issues with DNAT and iproute2 equalize - packets sent out the wrong interface
- From: jgonzalez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jose Gonzalez)
- confusion about mangle
- From: kevymac@xxxxxxxxx (Kevin McConnell)
- prevent script kiddies to abuse my ppp connection
- From: ivank@xxxxxxxxxx (Ivan Kanis)
- Can't install iptables 1.2.7a
- From: riceri@xxxxxxx (Rickard Eriksson)
- Debugging iptables in kernel
- From: mushi_j@xxxxxxxxx (mustaq ali)
- Iptables support for h323
- From: jeevan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (jeevan)
- How to filter Oracle connection?
- From: develop.olivier@xxxxxxxxxxxx (develop.olivier@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- detect portscans in DNATed ports
- From: packbart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Hauke Lampe)
- iptables-save file syntax
- From: sascha.reissner@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sascha Reissner)
- iptables-save file syntax
- From: sascha.reissner@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sascha Reissner)
- iptables-save file syntax
- From: yparkhi@xxxxxxxxx (Yogini Parkhi)
- iptables-save file syntax
- From: cadilhac@xxxxxxx (Nicolas Cadilhac)
- From: riceri@xxxxxxx (Rickard Eriksson)
- NAT, conntrack, FTP, multihomed host
- From: hosting@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jesse Keating)
- NAT, conntrack, FTP, multihomed host
- From: (
- making services invisible
- From: leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Leonardo Rodrigues ( listas ))
- making services invisible
- From: Kevin.Dwyer@xxxxxxxx (Kevin Dwyer)
- making services invisible
- From: eleblond@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Eric Leblond)
- making services invisible
- From: daly@xxxxxxxxxx (Ryan Daly)
- making services invisible
- From: julioody@xxxxxxxxxx (Julio Cesar Ody)
- detect portscans in DNATed ports
- From: leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Leonardo Rodrigues ( listas ))
- removing from list
- From: netfilter.list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Adam D. Barratt)
- messages in /var/log/message file
- From: kadlec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jozsef Kadlecsik)
- removing from list
- From: iturkmen@xxxxxxxxxx (Ihsan Turkmen)
- VPN masquerade and ftp-multi patches for 2.4.2-2
- From: jurrie@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Jurrie Overgoor)
- curious about address specification and port specification
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- how many chains are part of the mangle table?
- From: blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx (Oskar Andreasson)
- Bad argument `53'
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- curious about address specification and port specification
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- curious about address specification and port specification
- From: sascha.reissner@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sascha Reissner)
- Bad argument `53'
- From: larryf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Larry Flathmann)
- Bad argument `53'
- From: Sundaram" <sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram)
- Bad argument `53'
- From: David F. Strauch" <dstrauch@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (David F. Strauch)
- ip_conntrack_ftp
- From: Alistair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alistair Tonner)
- how many chains are part of the mangle table?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- curious about address specification and port specification
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- Active Directory
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Problem with counting
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- how many chains are part of the mangle table?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- W2000 Domain Controller & IIS in DMZ
- From: larryf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Larry Flathmann)
- curious about address specification and port specification
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- doing NAT on udp broadcast traffic (for LAN tcp/ip gaming)
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- From: riceri@xxxxxxx (Rickard Eriksson)
- question about netmeeting
- From: scott@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Scott van Looy)
- Does my NETFILTER Bridge Work ?
- From: ctodish@xxxxxxxxxx (Clint Todish)
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- doing NAT on udp broadcast traffic (for LAN tcp/ip gaming)
- From: sniper@xxxxxxx (Chris Len)
- some body hacked my system
- From: mhw@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael H. Warfield)
- Does my NETFILTER Bridge Work ?
- From: ouba974@xxxxxxxxxxx (Cool Man)
- vrrp question posted on
- From: csmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (craig e. smith)
- traceroute, state, bug?
- From: karl.juchen@xxxxxx (Karl Juchen)
- blocking Emails using ip address or domain name
- From: sascha.reissner@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sascha Reissner)
- How to remove Established Connection
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- blocking Emails using ip address or domain name
- From: dirrcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dominic Irrcher)
- From: riceri@xxxxxxx (Rickard Eriksson)
- Changing the source on incoming messages
- From: bailey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bailey Kong)
- blocking Emails using ip address or domain name
- From: bailey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Bailey Kong)
- From: Filip.Sneppe@xxxxxxxxx (Sneppe Filip)
- Active Directory
- From: keith@xxxxxxxxxxx (Keith R. Weiner)
- blocking Emails using ip address or domain name
- From: dirrcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dominic Irrcher)
- blocking Emails using ip address or domain name
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- blocking Emails using ip address or domain name
- From: rsundaram@xxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- Changing the source on incoming messages
- From: Yaakov_Metzger@xxxxxxxxxx (Metzger Kobi)
- measure traffic
- From: ferry.van.steen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ferry van Steen)
- From: riceri@xxxxxxx (Rickard Eriksson)
- moving on to tcp flags filtering, more ambiguity
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- confusing explanation regarding negation of protocol filtering
- From: ferry.van.steen@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ferry van Steen)
- messages in /var/log/message file
- From: arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx (Arindam Haldar)
- curious about address specification and port specification
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- pptp-conntrack-nat.patch Vs pptp-gre-ct-nat-0.83.patch
- From: adarsh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Adharsh Praveen R)
- measure traffic
- From: Heupink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Heupink, Mourik Jan C.)
- confusing explanation regarding negation of protocol filtering
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- messages in /var/log/message file
- From: solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maciej Soltysiak)
- how many chains are part of the mangle table?
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- messages in /var/log/message file
- From: arindamhaldar@xxxxxxxx (Arindam Haldar)
- PPTP Through a NAT
- From: grasshopper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rocco Stanzione)
- a little unclear on user-defined chains
- From: rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Robert P. J. Day)
- measure traffic
- From: yparkhi@xxxxxxxxx (Yogini Parkhi)
- some body hacked my system
- From: rcs@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Bob Sully)
- some body hacked my system
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- some body hacked my system
- From: Kevin.Dwyer@xxxxxxxx (Kevin Dwyer)
- some body hacked my system
- From: solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maciej Soltysiak)
- iptables, nat and traffic shaping woes
- From: maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx (Aaron Clausen)
- measure traffic
- From: payal@xxxxxxxxxx (Payal)
- some body hacked my system
- From: mhw@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael H. Warfield)
- Bridging firewall with iptables
- From: heupink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (mourik jan c heupink)
- some body hacked my system
- From: dirrcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Dominic Irrcher)
- some body hacked my system
- From: carlos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Carlos E Gorges)
- some body hacked my system
- From: vito.sansevero@xxxxxxxxxxx (Vito Louis Sansevero)
- some body hacked my system
- From: keith@xxxxxxxxxxx (Keith R. Weiner)
- some body hacked my system
- From: sun@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Sundaram Ramasamy)
- [almost OT] ipsysctl-tutorial pre-beta version
- From: p_pavlos@xxxxxxxxxxx (Pavlos Parissis)
- Delay
- From: solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maciej Soltysiak)
- Delay
- From: kleros@xxxxxxxxxx (Jose Rocha)
- ack number
- From: solt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Maciej Soltysiak)
- ack number
- From: manu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (ESCERT-UPC IRT)
- measure traffic
- From: alasdair.ramsay@xxxxxxxxxx (Alasdair Ramsay)
- measure traffic
- From: mklingens@xxxxxx (Martijn Klingens)
- Problem with counting
- From: nuitari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nuitari)
- conntrack timeout values
- From: vincent.lim@xxxxxxxxxx (Vincent Lim)
- About loadable kernel modules
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxx (Joel Newkirk)
- Bridging firewall with iptables
- From: peted@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Pete Davis)
- iptables vs cisco pix
- From: rhoegg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Ryan Hoegg)
- measure traffic
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- netfilter and IIS5
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- netfilter and IIS5
- From: keith@xxxxxxxxxxx (Keith R. Weiner)
- netfilter and IIS5
- From: netfilter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Darrell Dieringer)
- Iptables tutorial
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Iptables tutorial
- From: Bishop <bishop@xxxxxxxxxxx> (Bishop)
- netfilter and IIS5
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- iptables with alias again
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- measure traffic
- From: payal@xxxxxxxxxx (PayalR)
- [almost OT] ipsysctl-tutorial pre-beta version
- From: blueflux@xxxxxxxxxxx (Oskar Andreasson)
- iptables with alias again
- From: smed@xxxxxxxxxx (Jeppe Sørensen)
- per-socket nfmark settings? (fwd)
- From: dean@xxxxxxxxxx (dean gaudet)
- question about netmeeting
- From: hangy2k@xxxxxxxxxxx (Hang Lee)
- netfilter and IIS5
- From: keith@xxxxxxxxxxx (Keith R. Weiner)
- About loadable kernel modules
- From: ratz@xxxxxx (Roberto Nibali)
- State NEW, no SYN, and different
- From: mklingens@xxxxxx (Martijn Klingens)
- Yahoo Messenger
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- ip_conntrack_ftp
- From: vlad@xxxxxx (vlad f kropachew)
- Ulogd
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- are these enough now?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Stateful firewalling via IPTABLES fails to track FTP passive connections?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- problems in tcp connection tracking
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Yahoo Messenger
- From: stewart.thompson@xxxxxxx (Stewart Thompson)
- Stateful firewalling via IPTABLES fails to track FTP passive connections?
- From: mklingens@xxxxxx (Martijn Klingens)
- Remote Desktop between two NATted computers
- From: mklingens@xxxxxx (Martijn Klingens)
- FW: Yahoo Messenger
- From: r.sterenborg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rob Sterenborg)
- Ulogd
- From: security@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (darkstar)
- Yahoo Messenger
- From: r.sterenborg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rob Sterenborg)
- Fw: Yahoo Messenger
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- Problem with counting
- From: nuitari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nuitari)
- Problem with counting
- From: nuitari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nuitari)
- Fw: Yahoo Messenger
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Problem with counting
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Problem with counting
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Yahoo Messenger
- From: rsterenborg@xxxxxxxxx (R. Sterenborg)
- Réf. : Re: How to block Yahoo Messenger through IPTables
- From: alexander.swann@xxxxxxxxxxx (alexander.swann@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- How to block Yahoo Messenger through IP Tables
- From: Nick Drage <nickd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Nick Drage)
- Yahoo Messenger
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- Yahoo Messenger
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Stateful firewalling via IPTABLES fails to track FTP passive connections?
- From: Hubris_1@xxxxxxxxxxx (Hubris_1)
- Réf._:_How_to_block_Yahoo_Messenger_through_IP Tables
- From: hanz852@xxxxxxxxx (Hanz F.)
- Trigger firewall Script on IP Change:
- From: stewart.thompson@xxxxxxx (Stewart Thompson)
- Trigger firewall Script on IP Change:
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- Trigger firewall Script on IP Change:
- From: stewart.thompson@xxxxxxx (Stewart Thompson)
- iptables with alias?
- From: stewart.thompson@xxxxxxx (Stewart Thompson)
- iptables with alias?
- From: leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- iptables with alias?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- iptables with alias?
- From: smed@xxxxxxxxxx (Jeppe Sørensen)
- iptables with alias?
- From: smed@xxxxxxxxxx (Jeppe Sørensen)
- okfn
- From: luigicart@xxxxxx (Luigi Cartuccia)
- Iptables install error ?
- From: webmasta0@xxxxxxxxxxx (web master)
- Réf. : How to block Yahoo Messenger through IPTables
- From: alexander.swann@xxxxxxxxxxx (alexander.swann@xxxxxxxxxxx)
- How to block Yahoo Messenger through IP Tables
- From: alokshukla@xxxxxxxxx (Alok Shukla)
- are these enough now?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- are these enough now?
- From: payal@xxxxxxxxxx (PayalR)
- Problem with counting
- From: nuitari@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Nuitari)
- How to block Yahoo Messenger through IP Tables
- From: Krishna_shekhar@xxxxxxxx (Krishna)
- Problem with counting
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- are these enough now?
- From: Alistair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Alistair Tonner)
- routing game packets
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- routing game packets
- From: John Bleichert <syborg@xxxxxxxxxxx> (John Bleichert)
- routing game packets
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- are these enough now?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- routing game packets
- From: John Bleichert <syborg@xxxxxxxxxxx> (John Bleichert)
- are these enough now?
- From: murli@xxxxxxxxxxx (Mitesh P Choksi)
- IPTables Problem
- From: niel.harper@xxxxxxxx (Niel Harper)
- How to Find what are the Patches installed
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- are these enough now?
- From: ctodish@xxxxxxxxxx (Clint Todish)
- are these enough now?
- From: ctodish@xxxxxxxxxx (Clint Todish)
- iptables and linuxVirtualServer
- From: tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tim Cronin)
- are these enough now?
- From: payal@xxxxxxxxxx (PayalR)
- How to Find what are the Patches installed
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- are these enough now?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- ilimit problem
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- are these enough now?
- From: payal@xxxxxxxxxx (PayalR)
- Remote Desktop between two NATted computers
- From: nopel@xxxxxxx (Stijn Derudder)
- are these enough now?
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- understanding ip_conntrack entry
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- iptables and linuxVirtualServer
- From: ratz@xxxxxx (Roberto Nibali)
- transfer Bytes Counting
- From: HareRam" <hareram@xxxxxxxxxx (HareRam)
- understanding ip_conntrack entry
- From: eleblond@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Eric Leblond)
- NAT and messenger voice communications
- From: root@jcl-pc-lxdsl (root)
- are these enough now?
- From: payal@xxxxxxxxxx (PayalR)
- assymetrical routing, iptables problem.
- From: aw@xxxxxxxxxxx (Andreas Wolff)
- understanding ip_conntrack entry
- From: mutk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael)
- cbq.init and iptables NAT routing
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- understanding ip_conntrack entry
- From: Antony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Antony Stone)
- log all dropped packets
- From: Yogini Parkhi" <yparkhi@xxxxxxxxx (Yogini Parkhi)
- cbq.init and iptables NAT routing
- From: maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx (Aaron Clausen)
- allowing incoming RTMP (macromedia flash communication server) connections
- From: achats.cdecrozant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (achats.cdecrozant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
- understanding ip_conntrack entry
- From: leolistas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Leonardo Rodrigues ( listas ))
- cbq.init and iptables NAT routing
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- First iptables script - comments please
- From: zoilo@xxxxxxxxx (Zoilo)
- iptables is giving me probs
- From: zoilo@xxxxxxxxx (Zoilo)
- iptables is giving me probs
- From: sarky@xxxxxxxxxx (Sarkis Gabriel)
- assymetrical routing, iptables problem.
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Bob Keyes)
- First iptables script - comments please
- From: craigha@xxxxxxxxx (Craig H. Anderson)
- generic proxying, and source/port routing
- From: phil-netfilter@xxxxxxxx (Phil Howard)
- cbq.init and iptables NAT routing
- From: maureen-taocow@xxxxxxxxxxx (Aaron Clausen)
- iptables and linuxVirtualServer
- From: tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Tim Cronin)
- Path to configure stateless DNAT with iptables ?
- From: rodsenra@xxxxxxxxxx (Rodrigo Senra)
- iplimit bug?
- From: romp@xxxxxxxx (Romp)
- snat and ICMP question
- From: ciaran.deignan@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ciaran Deignan)
- snat and ICMP question
- From: ciaran.deignan@xxxxxxxxxxx (Ciaran Deignan)
- assymetrical routing, iptables problem.
- From: blancher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Cedric Blancher)
- (no subject)
- From: hard__ware@xxxxxxxxxxx (hard__ware)
- assymetrical routing, iptables problem.
- From: bob@xxxxxxxxxxxx (Bob Keyes)
- iptables vs cisco pix
- From: deckard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Rick Deckard)
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