Hi, this is probably something very simple and it must be very commonly done and is documented somewhere obvious - but I can't seem to work out how to identify the packets coming back matching outgoing MASQUERADE packets: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $inetif -s 192.168.a.b -j MASQUERADE this of course MASQUERADE's 192.168.a.b to my outgoing DHCP IP address on the device $inetif (yes it works fine :-) How do I identify reply packets coming in that come to 192.168.a.b? I'd like to be able to count incoming packets/bytes to 192.168.a.b that are of course just replies back to 192.168.a.b since nothing will actually be able to connect to 192.168.a.b (I have no DNAT/SNAT rules to these machines) so I want something like: iptables -A FORWARD -i $inetif -d 192.168.a.b -j ACCEPT but of course this isn't correct - is it somehow identified coming in the FORWARD table? Or some other way? (some other standard module needs to be loaded? - hopefully not a p-o-m) I'm running RH7.3 at the moment and it has RedHat iptables-1.2.5-3 (there appear to have been no updates for iptables on RH 7.3) When I count the packets/bytes going out from 192.168.a.b I do that in the FORWARD table (well actually a table I create that comes from the FORWARD table) so it could be just the following for simplification: iptables -A FORWARD -o $inetif -s 192.168.a.b -j ACCEPT (but mine is more complex - but essentially the same) but I really have no idea how to identify the return packets after they have been de-MASQUERADEd (of course they will have the DCHP address in the FORWARD table - but I have more than 1 machine being MASQUERADE'd and also of course the DHCP address is not constant) any help greatly appreciated -- -Cheers -Andrew MS ... if only he hadn't been hang gliding!