I read the post about connection track logging posted on Apr. I'm a newer in netfilter. And I want to use this function. So I'd like to post my step to achieve this function to you. If there's wrong, pls let me know. ctrace-1.04, oidentd-2.0.4, oidentd-2.0.1-ctnetlink.diff, ctnetlink.patch,linux-2.4.14. 1. patch ctnetlink.patch to linux-2.4.14; 2. compile ctrace-1.04; 3. modify the path of the libctnetlink; patch oidentd-2.0.4 with oidentd-2.0.1-ctnetlink.diff; 4. make and install oidentd; Then I start oidentd. How can I implement the iptables to relate to oidentd? And if the info about oidentd is saved in /var/log/secure? Would you pls show the step more detailedly? Thanks a lot. Regards, Amy