Fedora Linux Test Release Discussion
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- [Test-Announce] 2012-09-17 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
- F18 Desktop wrong keymap (Xfce),
- rawhide report: 20120916 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120916 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- My install of Fedora 18 Alpha,
Erinn Looney-Triggs
- F18 Desktop wrong keymap (Xfce),
Frank Murphy
- Fedora 18 Alpha RC3.1 - Keyboard selection,
Mateusz Marzantowicz
- Better educating about what Alpha, Beta, Release means,
Stephen John Smoogen
- rawhide report: 20120915 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120915 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Test request for critical updates,
Michel Alexandre Salim
- RC 3.1 Really broken,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- lethal adventures in f18 alpha,
cornel panceac
- LVM in the new Anaconda,
Jason Montleon
- rawhide report: 20120914 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120914 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Removable devices are not detected anymore,
Sandro Mani
- F18 Alpha Software Selection...,
Ed Greshko
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha is hereby declared GOLD,
Jaroslav Reznik
- F18 yum update bricks X,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- Fedora 18 static network working?,
Scott Poore
- vesa driver is forced through grub instead of xorg.conf,
Kamil Paral
- rawhide report: 20120913 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- New Anaconda - BACK, BACK, BACK...,
Mateusz Marzantowicz
- Re: New Anaconda - BACK, BACK, BACK...,
Rahul Sundaram
- Re: New Anaconda - BACK, BACK, BACK...,
Lars Seipel
- Re: New Anaconda - BACK, BACK, BACK...,
Kamil Paral
- Re: New Anaconda - BACK, BACK, BACK...,
David Lehman
- f18 RC3 -EFI Boot USB -Boots a MacBook Pro i7,
Thomas Gilliard
- F-18 Branched report: 20120913 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- labeling of swap partition not possible by anaconda during partition customizing of Alpha/RC3,
Joachim Backes
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Release Candidate 3 (RC3) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- F18 kvm guest kickstart with text only,
Scott Poore
- [Test-Announce] Reminder: Go/No-Go Meeting Thursday September 13 3 PM EDT (19:00 UTC),
Jaroslav Reznik
- rawhide report: 20120912 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120912 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- F18/Alpha-RC2,
Joachim Backes
- TC2 Anaconda 18.6.7 Install,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- Blocker Tracking App Reskin - Feedback on New Mockups,
Tim Flink
- F18 RC2 erratic GUI in VBox, missing installer window,
Chris Murphy
- [Test-Announce] 2012-09-12 @ 16:00 UTC - F18 Alpha Blocker Bug Review #7,
Tim Flink
- libvirt in F18?,
Jeffrey Ollie
- F18 Alpha RC2 - Power off from gnome user menu resulting in log out operation,
Pratyush Sahay
- Fedora 18 Alpha RC2 - root user, installation,
Mateusz Marzantowicz
- rawhide report: 20120911 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120911 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Release Candidate 2 (RC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Release Candidate 1 (RC1) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- The new installer,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- rawhide report: 20120910 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120910 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] 2012-09-10 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting?,
Adam Williamson
- rawhide report: 20120909 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120909 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- More experiences with Spherical Cow,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- rawhide report: 20120908 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120908 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- F17 -> yum -> F18 -> no go,
Michael Schwendt
- F18 Alpha action needed: karma for blocker-fixing updates and votes on proposed blocker/NTH bugs,
Adam Williamson
- [Test-Announce] Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing,
Rich Megginson
- rawhide report: 20120907 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120907 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Fedora QA] #315: Some bugs are listed as both blockers and NTHs,
Fedora QA
- [Test-Announce] Reminder: Go/No-Go Meeting today 3 PM EDT (19:00 UTC),
Jaroslav Reznik
- TC6 resuls,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- What should I rsync from?,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- rawhide report: 20120906 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120906 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Installed F18 TC8 in VirtualBox, no flaws,
Joachim Backes
- [criteria update] Update of uncategorized package groups criterion,
Petr Schindler
- The F18 test candidates (some issues),
Joachim Backes
- [criteria update],
Petr Schindler
- [criteria update] Package set,
Petr Schindler
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Test Compose 6 (TC6) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- Karma needed for F18 Alpha blocker / NTH fixes,
Adam Williamson
- [Test-Announce] Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing,
Rich Megginson
- rawhide report: 20120905 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120905 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Reporting translation issues,
Mateusz Marzantowicz
- Comment on TC5 attempts,
G.Wolfe Woodbury
- xorg IOPL issue under rawhide...can't run X,
kevin martin
- F18 Alpha Pre-TC6 ISO Ready for Testing,
Tim Flink
- [Test-Announce] 2012-09-05 @ 16:00 UTC - F18 Alpha Blocker Bug Review #6,
Tim Flink
- [Fedora QA] #314: Bug summaries are not updated,
Fedora QA
- Crash kernel x86-32: BzImage is not relocatable. Can't be used as capture kernel.,
Pedro Francisco
- rawhide report: 20120904 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120904 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- TC5 netinst iso experience,
Ankur Sinha
- Proposed ALpha Criteria,
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX N2469R
- rawhide report: 20120903 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120903 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] 2012-09-03 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting?,
Adam Williamson
- rawhide report: 20120902 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120902 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Is "Log out" disabled from Live image (default)?,
A S Alam
- rawhide report: 20120901 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120901 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Test Compose 5 (TC5) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- [Test-Announce] Announcing 389 Directory Server version Testing,
Rich Megginson
- Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Test Compose 4 (TC4), Available Now!,
- [Fedora QA] #313: Sub-Blockers are not detected as proposed or accepted blockers,
Fedora QA
- rawhide report: 20120831 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120831 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Test Compose 4 (TC4) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
- New F18 Alpha Pre-TC4 images (again),
Tim Flink
- [Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha to slip by another one week,
Jaroslav Reznik
- F-18 Branched report: 20120830 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- [Test-Announce] Reminder: Fedora 18 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting #2, Thursday, August 30 @ 17:00 EDT,
Jaroslav Reznik
- New pre-TC4 test images,
Tim Flink
- F-18 Branched report: 20120829 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- F17: wpa_supplicant log rotating wrongly?,
Pedro Francisco
- Proposed release criteria and test case adjustments relating to artwork and self-identification,
Adam Williamson
- Temporarily Disabling Blocker Bug Tracking Sync,
Tim Flink
- [Test-Announce] 2012-08-29 @ 16:00 UTC - F18 Alpha Blocker Bug Review #5,
Tim Flink
- rawhide report: 20120828 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120828 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Bug 852298 - abrt has grammatical errors,
Benjamin Kerensa
- rawhide report: 20120827 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120827 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Needing a simple way to create a custom disk layout for F18/Alpha/TCx,
Joachim Backes
- F18 Alpha-TC3 KDE validation tests,
Dan Vratil
- F18-TC3 minimal install - some issues,
Joachim Backes
- [Test-Announce] 2012-08-27 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
- rawhide report: 20120826 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120826 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- Fedora 18 systemd display-manager.service?,
Frank Murphy
- rawhide report: 20120825 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- F-18 Branched report: 20120825 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
- rawhide report: 20120824 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
- Message not available
F-18 Branched report: 20120824 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
Problems with live install support for F18 Alpha,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] Fedora Jam test day delayed,
Adam Williamson
F-18 Branched report: 20120823 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
After updating ibus-* from updates-testing repo, reboot from runlevel 5 hangs up,
Joachim Backes
Karma needed for TC4 builds,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] F18 Alpha Release Readiness Meeting :: Thursday, Aug. 23, 19:00 UTC (3pm Eastern, 12pm Pacific),
Jaroslav Reznik
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha to slip by one week,
Jaroslav Reznik
rawhide report: 20120822 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20120822 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
keytable \ sysfont F18 & Rawhide,
Frank Murphy
Fwd: Re: Helping to improve advertising of test days and other things,
Arnav Kalra
Draft: clarified 'boot method' test cases,
Adam Williamson
Fedora 18 Alpha TC4/RC1 status update,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] New Blocker Bug Tracking Application,
Tim Flink
[Test-Announce] 2012-08-22 @ 16:00 UTC - F18 Alpha Blocker Bug Review #4,
Tim Flink
[Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
- Re: [Fedora QA] #312: OpenStack test day request for Aug 30th,
Fedora QA
rawhide report: 20120821 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20120821 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
2012-08-20 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
2012-08-13 - Fedora QA Meeting - recap,
Adam Williamson
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Go/No-Go Meeting, Wednesday, August 22 @ 17:00 EDT,
Jaroslav Reznik
Final Criterion for working built-in mediacheck,
Andre Robatino
rawhide report: 20120820 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20120820 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
[Test-Announce] 2012-08-20 @ 15:00 UTC - Fedora QA Meeting,
Adam Williamson
Fedora 18 Alpha TC3 notes,
Timothy Davis
rawhide report: 20120819 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20120819 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
F18 Can't find what provides */50-local.d,
Frank Murphy
rawhide report: 20120818 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20120818 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
781482 – Plugins in dead/zombie compartments continue to play,
KDE 4.9 F16?,
mike cloaked
Re: Fedora 18 Alpha TC3 disk partitioning (Chris Lumens),
Fedora 18 Alpha TC3 disk partitioning,
rawhide report: 20120817 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
18 Alpha TC3 DVD defaulting to networked install,
Andre Robatino
F-18 Branched report: 20120817 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
relabelling F18-TC3 each time troubleshooting boot has been performed,
Joachim Backes
weird grub menu if booting F18-TC3 after installation,
Joachim Backes
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Test Compose 3 (TC3) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
sudo/kerberos problems in F18,
John . Florian
SELinux blocking automounted home,
John . Florian
rawhide report: 20120816 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
F-18 Branched report: 20120816 changes,
Fedora Branched Report
F18-TC2 first experiences: installation fails because of X-server problems,
Joachim Backes
[Test-Announce] Fedora 18 Alpha Test Compose 2 (TC2) Available Now!,
Andre Robatino
Preupgrade from F17 to F18 Branched,
John . Florian
rawhide report: 20120815 changes,
Fedora Rawhide Report
[Test-Announce] 2012-08-16 @ 16:00 UTC (Different Time - Just Once) - F18 Alpha Blocker Bug Review #3,
Tim Flink
[Fedora QA] #311: Bug #847644 does not show up as a proposed blocker in the new blocker tracker,
Fedora QA
Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
- Fedora 18 updates-testing report,
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