On 09/06/2012 01:02 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
"Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" (johannbg@xxxxxxxxx) said:
On 09/06/2012 09:40 AM, Kamil Paral wrote:
Johann, I don't really understand your point. The term 'default package set' no longer exists in Fedora 18.
Unless yum "groups" have been removed in F18 I dont see how the term
"default package set" can no longer exist and no longer apply...
$ grep "<default>" comps-f18.xml.in | sort -u
There is no 'default'; you must choose something. (If you do text mode or
kickstart, the default is minimal.)
Which is irrelevant since we use yum groups and what's defined in them
as "default package set" ( along with mandatory ) as the bases to test,
create test and build criteria upon.
And we dont ( thou Red Hat's BRNO team seem to think it's a greate idea
) mess with criteria in the middle of the release process ( Unless it's
absolutely necessary which is rarely the case ) we do so *after* GA has
been pushed out door, then we revisit the process and adapt, adjust
accordingly to what experience the last release cycle has given us.
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