On 2012-09-06 0:58, Petr Schindler wrote:
I think that require LVM and encryption in alpha phase is quite too
early. It isn't feature which should slow down the alpha release. I
propose to demand it in beta phase. So I propose to change alpha
'The installer must be able to complete an installation using the
disk, existing free space, or existing Linux partitions methods, with
without encryption or LVM enabled'
'The installer must be able to complete an installation using the
disk, existing free space, or existing Linux partitions.'
I think, that these three options are reasonable for alpha. This
say anything about how to do it, only what should be possible, so it
could be used with the new anaconda.
I think that's going in the right direction, though possibly not far
enough. It's worth bearing in mind that the existing criterion is very
tied to the old UI design: "Entire disk", "Existing free space", and
'Existing Linux partitions" are direct references to the various
autopart methods that oldUI presented, and encryption and LVM are in the
criterion precisely because they were the two checkboxes available on
the oldUI autopart dialog. Basically, the criterion was written to
encapsulate the idea 'all the options on the autopart screen should
Given that, it's probably better just to write something entirely from
scratch that's appropriate to newUI rather than trying to tweak the
existing text...
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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