PHP Users
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- Re: Re: Good and free encoder for PHP5, (continued)
- divide the text,
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
- Using SSL,
Daniel Lahey
- APC - undefined symbol: OnUpdateInt in Unknown on line 0, CSN
- DomXPath and default XML namespaces,
Dan Phiffer
- email processing,
adwin wijaya
- bargraph gd not working,
- Unreliable mail delivery through PHP,
Chris W. Parker
- PHP 5 to PHP4 - Apache2Triad, Josh
- getimagesize() for image resources,
Greg Donald
- session newbyness...,
Tony Di Croce
- php self problem,
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
- Varible calling a define value,
- url rewritting in php5, elixon
- Delivering large files via PHP (>300MB),
Richard Davey
- Re: "Byte Array",
Craig Slusher
- Web Development Overnight!!!,
- GD functions don't delete temporary files,
- Text tools,
William Stokes
- Attempted to unsubscribe to no avail,
Scott Hamm
- RE: I'm Back i'm beginner and i couldn't solve the prob lem, Ford, Mike
- record fetching error,
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
- sql syntax problem,
- How can I fix that,
- STUMPED: path/style vars in Windows with IIS,
- remote permissions on MySQL,
Alessandro Rosa
- still have the same problem,
- Automaticly Play Sound when MySql Reach some Number,
Sejati Opreker
- PHP &Apache Upload file Permission denied,
Michael Leung
- PHP's PS(*) function, Colin
- Command Line,
Travis Conway
- empty() problem,
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
- LDAP and referrals,
List User
- sharing info between websites with XML?,
- Infinity and nested categories,
Bruno B B Magalhães
- Header location open into a new window?, Justin Wilkins
- dynamic include() in while loop,
- Forms Question: Options,
Steve Marquez
- php variables in a backtick command,
Jonathan Duncan
- FTP_PUT 0kb problem,
- Joining same table twice,
- Sorry forgot to include the code for my last message - Mike Francis,
Mike Francis
- MySQL Connection problem,
Mike Francis
- Classes and Functions,
R. Van Tassel
- assignment,
Song Ken Vern
- I need to pass vars to external cgi script ?,
Dave Carrera
- Question: Repopulating form parameters,
Stuart Felenstein
- Clickable image maps,
Kurt Blom
- PHP vs JSP?,
Peter Lauri
- Data Access Object (DAO) with PHP,
adwin wijaya
- fsockopen https problem,
Maycon de Oliveira
- php mail,
PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
- <Possible follow-ups>
- php mail, PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
- PHP mail, Eustace
- PHP via DIAL-UP?,
Police Trainee
- Php Mail not working properly,
PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing lists
- alternating table entry colors,
Brad Ciszewski
- flash data grid + php, blackwater dev
- Not quite PHP, but related...,
Bruno B B Magalhães
- How to post form-data to a host using PHP,
Yao, Minghua
- Friendly URL,
Bruno B B Magalhães
encrypt/decrypt sqlite data,
Shawn McKenzie
Apache - MySQL connection via PHP,
Mike Francis
user password managment,
Josh Howe
RE: grabbing source of a URL,
Vail, Warren
Re: array_merge_recursive,
Richard Lynch
Problems implementing encryption: mcrypt_cfb, Darren W
Multiple Inheritance,
Chris Boget
recompiling php,
blackwater dev
Re: recompiling php, Khan
<Possible follow-ups>
recompiling php, blackwater dev
recompiling php, blackwater dev
Re: full http request,
Raditha Dissanayake
File upload problems using Apache 1.3 on Debian stable,
Why it doesnt work,
Re: Removing a return character,
Greg Donald
RE: I'm Back i'm beginner and i couldn't solve the prob lem, Ford, Mike
Launch windows application and fle,
Chris Mason
Re: PHP/pspell, John Nichel
Configuring PHP 5.0.2 on OpenBSD 3.6: png.h not found,
Raymond C. Rodgers
I'm Back i'm beginner and i couldn't solve the problem,
Forms In PHP,
Wil Hitchman
Spurious newlines when requesting empty php file,
Carl Michael Skog
How do you work this thing,
Wil Hitchman
ISP snippet,
Brad Ciszewski
baffled - please explain,
Malcolm Mill
Forms and viewing Text Area,
Ben C
How to post quote/double quote mark?,
Yao, Minghua
Object In Object,
Dinçer Akay
Re: Confused - $GLOBALS,
John Nichel
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Confused - $GLOBALS, John Nichel
RE: Confused - $GLOBALS, Ford, Mike
RE: Question:maybe urldecode,
Stuart Felenstein
Unsubscribing Junk Emails From the List: requests@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Justin Palmer
Finding the location of an included script,
Gadi Cohen
Re: a question about the PHP manualB, Ron Clark
a question about the PHP manual,
Eakin, W
Question: urldecode,
Stuart Felenstein
duplicate md5 hash's,
Guy Bowden
allow_url_fopen ini directive not enough,
Kelvin Jones
Objects and sessions,
Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso
PHP4 mysqli with mysql 4.1.7?,
Francis Mak
Need shipping info, suneel
MYSQL Query question,
Reinhart Viane
about installing php,
satya bharti
badlya badlu
Close all open tags in HTML text,
Matt Palermo
help me split chars w/o spaces by 2... like: 2004,
Louie Miranda
Implementing database cache.,
Bruno B B Magalhães
Installing Apache and PHP from scratch,
How to make a PHP Socket client crash-proof?,
René Fournier
Re: For Loop,
Pass mysql array into SESSION?,
Jerry Swanson
Populating forms in MMEX (Mail EX), Jason Manaigre
Russell P Jones
null as function argumnent?,
Bas Jobsen
stupid question about a class,
Richard Kurth
Security Question with my password protected login script...,
Ian Gray
PHP extensions with EasyPHP 1-7, Michel Gangloff
Sessions problem,
mail with attachment,
i'm beginner and i couldn't solve the problem,
Peter Lauri
how to display the content step by step,
eBay API?,
Seung Hyun Cho
ini_set doesn't work,
Joerg P
PHP Security,
Greg Donald
Re: PHP Security, Richard Lynch
Re: PHP Security, Chris Shiflett
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: PHP Security, I l
Re: Re: PHP Security, rogerk
Re: Re: PHP Security, rogerk
PHP security, .....hG
PHP Security, Ian C. McGarvey
Re: PHP Security, cron
php security, Dallas Cahker
RE: php security, Jim Moseby
PHP Security, Grant Peel
PHP Security, Ashkar Dev
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