Thanks Richard!
Helped a lot!
Bruno B B Magalhaes
On Dec 13, 2004, at 4:16 PM, Richard Lynch wrote:
Bruno B B Magalhães wrote:
Hi again everybody,
well, I've asked it before, but I couldn't work on this at all.
As some knows I have a system witch has a category system. The generic
part of the site is handled by a generic module called contents...
generic like products, services, company, etc. Where the content
and structure is quite the same.
Well suppose that I have this:
site/ <---- the controller
products/ <----- alias module for content module
product_one/ <----- top category
requirements/ <----- nested category
<---------- as many nested categories as needed
requirements.html <----- article is called searching using it without
the .html, witch is used to know that it is an article and not a
category. ('WHERE article_path='requirements' AND category_id='022')
My problem is that how can I handle those categories!!!!!!!!!!!!! and
build a three of it.
Is it a true hierarchy, or is it a heterarchy?
In other words, can "sub_category_57" appear in *TWO* different
in the tree?
If *NOT*, then you really don't need all the nested categories in your
URL: As soon as you have the "bottom" category, you've already got all
the others in your database.
Of course, you could simply walk through $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] and
your category list:
$parts = explode('/', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'];
$controller = $parts[0];
$module = $parts[1];
$categories = array();
while (list(, $cat) = each($parts)){
if (!strstr($cat, '.html')){
$categories[] = $cat;
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