If the answers to the questions above are Yes and No, then I could use a dynamically generated list of links with ?flag= to make Google crawl through the part of the MySQL content (as displayed through the scripts in HTML) that I want it to, using links and GET variables, right?
If the answers to the questions above are No and No, do I have to set up a static .php page for EVERY record in my MySQL database to make it see that content I want it to see? Does anyone use the error.php page to catch for a 404 Not Found error, see if it can match the "ghost" name to a record in the DB, and display a page anyway (even though technically there is no somepage.php page, the error.php page knows to go look in the databsae for "somepage" and displays its content)? I wonder if this would be a good optimization strategy.
I've heard different claims about how google handles GET queries and am pretty sure it doesn't submit POSTed forms.
There are, however, other options than simply setting up static pages or using error pages. If you're using apache, you might want to look into use of mod_rewrite (make sure you have a thorough understanding of it before use) or producing URLs like http://your.host/file.php/first/second/third using server variables and explode()
-- James Stewart : Freelance Web Developer Work : http://jystewart.net Play : http://james.anthropiccollective.org
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