Phpdiscuss - Php Newsgroups And Mailing Lists wrote:
I have a dedicated Red Hat linux boxed leased from Interland and the php
mail function does not work. I have found several articles on things to
try and have tried everything I saw but to no avail. I set up a php
script to mail and then print the return code and I get a 1 (success). But the mail never arrives. Is there any way I could get some help with
this. I could post my phpinfo() information or anything else that may
Either the message bounced or it is in the queue awaiting for delivery.
If you are using sendmail or exim try mailq from the root account to see if the message is in thq queue.
If the message is not in the queue, it bounced to the return path address. You can set the return path address using the mail function 5th argument. You may also want to take a look at this class that lets you specify the return path address just setting the return-path: header. The examples show how to do that.
Regards, Manuel Lemos
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