how about r? :) (or x)
Dave Carrera wrote:
Thanks John,
I get "fopen expects second param" when I call it.
What would this be ? "r" "w" "x" or something else ?
Thanks for the help
Dave Carrera
-----Original Message-----
From: John Holmes [mailto:holmes072000@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 11 December 2004 15:26
To: Dave Carrera; php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: I need to pass vars to external cgi script ?
From: "Dave Carrera" <dave@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
I need to send some vars to a cgi script.
The script url is like this;var2=m
nd_php_var and so on.
How do I send / call this script from inside my php script ?
$file =
$file = fopen("http....script.cgi?var1=$phpvar1&var2=$phpvar2...");
although you'd want to urlencode() the PHP variables if you need something
like the second method.
---John Holmes...
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