--- Jason Wong <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think will call it a day for this thread.
As I suspected a loop was needed to make this work. In the event that there are other idiots, such as
myself, that don't immediately figure out the exact
logic I'll post the code:
//The sql is Adodb syntax: while(!$rsinds->EOF){ ?> <option value="<?php echo $rsinds->Fields('CareerIDs')?>"
//I could test for $inds here, doesn't seem to make a //difference
This loop:
<?php foreach ($inds as $a) { ?> <?php if ($rsinds->Fields('CareerIDs')== $a) {echo
"SELECTED";} } ?>>
can be replaced with one in_array() function. The rest is left as an exercise to the reader ;-)
<?php echo $rsinds->Fields('CareerCategories') ?> </option> <?php $rsinds->MoveNext(); } $rsinds->MoveFirst();
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