Fedora KDE
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- Re: Wayland by default for Fedora 28, (continued)
- F27: cannot open a Plasma session (after upgrade from F25),
- 2018-01-08 @ 17:00 UTC - Fedora 28 Blocker Review Meeting, Adam Williamson
- Sound failing,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Apper crashes all the time on F27,
- Plasma Wayland session,
Bernie Innocenti
- 2017-12-11 @ 17:00 UTC - Fedora 28 Blocker Review Meeting, Adam Williamson
- f26 NAS,
John Pilkington
- f26 dnfdragora: selecting repos does not work,
John Pilkington
- 2017-11-27 @ 17:00 UTC - Fedora 27/28 Blocker Review Meeting, Adam Williamson
- package review needed: kf5-ksmtp,
Rex Dieter
- plasma-5.11.3 for f27 updates-testing,
Rex Dieter
- Video Download Helper will not run with Firefox 57,
- Ctrl-Meta-8 in Konsole,
Patrick Boutilier
- f26 and konqueror,
John Pilkington
- kde system tray settings entries empty,
Sérgio Basto
- KDE mounted USB stick, cannot copy files to.,
Robin Laing
- kdegames meta-package removed in F27, replacement?,
Uwe Laverenz
- ibus input not working on Plasma widgets,
Syam Krishnan
- Latest K desktop update causes system hangs,
- conflicts with pyotherside and qt5-qtbase,
Gerald B. Cox
- Process 1431 - plasmashell consuming 1.3 Gb of residual memory,
Sérgio Basto
- SDDM Themes not working,
Gerald B. Cox
- JIT is disabled for QML. Property bindings and animations will be very slow. Visit https://wiki.qt.io/V4 to learn about possible solutions for your platform,
Reindl Harald
- [f27] kscreenlocker spamming logs,
Neal Becker
- 2017-11-06 @ ** 17:00 ** UTC - Fedora 27 Blocker Review Meeting, Adam Williamson
- kde spin (locale) font/input-method related exclusions,
Rex Dieter
- translations become worser and worser,
Reindl Harald
- New System - NVIDIA question, PropAAS DBA
- How to have plugins in gwenview?,
- Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 27 Candidate RC-1.2 Available Now!,
Adam Williamson
- 2017-10-30 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora 27 Blocker Review Meeting, Adam Williamson
- F27 Final validation testing requests, Adam Williamson
- 2017-10-23 @ 16:00 UTC - Fedora 27 Blocker Review Meeting, Adam Williamson
- Applications on F27 beta live: Workstation vs KDE spin,
Luigi Toscano
- PSA: Don't use ipp[s] URLs for printers, Ian Pilcher
- Missing Icons in Dolphin after F26 upgrade,
- How To Stop Showing "emoticons" In Kmail Message Window,
Garry T. Williams
- Falkon Default browser for Fedora KDE,
Gerald B. Cox
- Forcing KDM mouse pointer (cursor) size,
Ian Pilcher
- F27: Dolphin & Samba shares,
Steven Haigh
- [F26] Cannot log in with sddm (Plasma), sddm-helper[6948]: segfault,
Frédéric Bron
- Do monitor plasmoids work for anyone?,
Ian Pilcher
- Re: A less "bloated" KDE spin,
Gerald B. Cox
- font rendering firefox / thunderbird,
Reindl Harald
- Usability issue, newly installed Fedora KDE plasma,
Morten W. Petersen
- F26: Konqueror / SMB -> client max protocol = SMB3 == broken,
Reindl Harald
- F26: Konqueror and SVN integration,
Reindl Harald
- F26: Konqueror,
Reindl Harald
- F27 beta blocker: KDE should show the beta wallpaper, Matthew Miller
- Display bug of programs using qt5-qtquickcontrols2 5.9.1,
Robert-André Mauchin
- Manual IPv6 configuration.,
Ed Greshko
- Re: Fedora 27 Beta blocker status mail #1,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Accessability Setting - Keyboard Filters - Bounce Keys,
Zach Villers
- Shortcut key for setting screen config?,
Neal Becker
- Odd vi behavior,
- move to screen in taskbar?, Neal Becker
- F26/KDE guest in qemu/kvm and 4.12.8-300 kernel, Ed Greshko
- 30 seconds to log in to Plasma on F26,
Ian Pilcher
- No more ksnapshot in Fedora 26?,
- Announcing kannolo-root-unlocker (also works on Fedora KDE),
Kevin Kofler
- Configure {own, next} cloud with plasma desktop,
William Moreno
- QupZilla will be the KDE Web Browser,
Gerald B. Cox
- dnfdragora debugging?, Ed Greshko
- Updates issues in F26.,
Gilboa Davara
- Disable Power Management per Application?,
Ed Greshko
- F26 KMail IMAP & GSSAPI: Asks for Password??,
Anthony Joseph Messina
- konqueror,
Emmett Culley
- problem placing pager in F26 KDE,
George Avrunin
- F26 KDE : Not able to connect to internet through 3G sub dongle,
Parijatha Kumar Pasupuleti
- logout screen unreadable,
Neal Becker
- KTorrent IP Filter plugin missing on Fedora 26,
Syam Krishnan
- Odd message for a successful operation, Ed Greshko
- dnfdragora needs PackageKit to appear in the systray?,
Ed Greshko
- Caution: Latest nss in updates-testing for F26 breaks DNF..,
Steven Haigh
- Live Image rationalisation - Part 2, Steven Haigh
- F26 KDE shows 'No batteries available' on my laptop,
Parijatha Kumar Pasupuleti
- dnfdragora updater,
Ed Greshko
- f26 + mkyral-plasma-unstable,
Neal Becker
- GUI applications installer,
Germano Massullo
- Deleting articles in Akregator causes desktop effects restart, Syam Krishnan
- KDE SIG QA help needed,
Matthew Miller
- Emacs key binding in KDE Plasma 5?,
Sherman Grunewagen
- Multifuncional Brother MFC-9320CW,
Lucélio Gomes de Freitas
- qt5-qtwebkit update,
Christian Dersch
- F26 - kmail tray icon is gray on dark themes, Steven Haigh
- [F25] only black screen with KDE Plasma session,
Frédéric Bron
- kde spectacle disappears when taking a New Screenshot in Fedora 25, max . blair
- Xembedsniproxy segfault plasma-5.10.1/5.10.2,
Colin J Thomson
- calligra3 (close to) ready, Rex Dieter
- Sudden logout after updating KDE,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- unable to unzip files after upgrade,
Emmett Culley
- k3b Confusion,
Peter Gueckel
- wayland on plasma, Neal Becker
- Fedora VM networks stalls, ProPAAS DBA
- Frameworks 5.35.0,
Colin J Thomson
- core dumps on logout,
Steven Haigh
- Knode not honouring time format,
Peter Gueckel
- kde/kde-redhat/kdeforge repo EOL June 23, 2017,
Rex Dieter
- System Settings --- Software Management Question,
Ed Greshko
- akonadi_imap_resource crash trying to modify IMAP account,
Steven Haigh
- Last update to kmail 17.04 fails with file conflict,
José Abílio Matos
- kde builds on kji never made it to repos,
Reindl Harald
- Some thoughts on Activity Manager,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Qt5.9(?) konsole font corruption, Sandro Mani
- F26 Desktop alternate media,
Germano Massullo
- Any plan for plasma 5.10 beta @kdesig/plasma-5-unstable,
- F26 default wallpaper missing in plasma and sddm,
José Abílio Matos
- retire qt5-qtquick1 ?,
Rex Dieter
- State of package / update management in KDE,
Adam Williamson
- Python2 crashes,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- White spaces in Kmail (dark themes),
Colin J Thomson
- KeePassX ignore Plasma fonts after 5.9 update, Sudhir Khanger
- Packaging Kup - naming?,
Mattia Verga
- Fedura user handbook, Germano Massullo
- Re: Fedora 26 KDE: Log in, Adam Williamson
- 100% of cpu used by plasmashell,
Robert Lu
- vertically uncentered clock,
Felix Miata
- F24 5.33.0 digital clock refuses to show only time, Felix Miata
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