Re: Proposal for the future - (was: KDE SIG QA help needed)

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On Saturday, 8 July 2017 12:26:00 AM AEST Luigi Toscano wrote:
> On Friday, 7 July 2017 16:18:58 CEST Matthew Miller wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 11:04:03AM -0300, Guilherme Luciano Marques
> > wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > > I think that the deduplication is a good idea, but, in my opinion,
> > > Firefox
> > > should be the default choice.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I don't have a strong opinion here, but one advantage of choosing
> > Firefox is that it will also be tested as part of the Workstation
> > testing, rather than requiring something separate. If you all decide
> > you want to do the work to make something else work, that's fine with
> > me.
> > 
> Talking about changes, you mentioned that there are many applications and
> they 
 are tested at the end of the cycle. Can you please share more
> details about it? Is it a matter of the number of the applications in the
> Live image, or there are some of them which are more troublesome to test.
> Or maybe the applications by KDE simply don't have automated tests, while 
> there are some of them for Gnome applications? 
> Or a combination of all of them?
> If we need to decide whether to cut something and where to add testing, it 
> would be better to know which parts the QA team finds more critical. 
> Ciao

To bridge the gap between IRC and mailing list, I'll post a bit of 
conversation today:

02:31 < adamw> pino|work: we don't do detailed functionality testing of every 
02:31 < adamw> the test case is to run each app, make sure it at least doesn't 
crash entirely on startup, and make sure it seems at least basically capable 
of doing *something* without crashing
02:32 < adamw> the reason we do this is that we noticed a while back reviewers 
tend to be quite superficial, *they* don't have time to test everything 
extensively either; but if they happen to run something and it's clearly 
utterly broken they get very angry
02:32 < adamw> it's basically a 'oh my god did they even test this AT ALL?!' 
02:32 < adamw> so the sheer volume of...stuff...that's launchable in KDE does 
have a big effect
02:33 < tosky> adamw: out of curiosity, so it's a matter of number of 
applications available by default in the Plasma menus?
02:33 < tosky> or are some applications more complicated than others?
02:33 < adamw> mainly the sheer number.
02:34 < adamw> it's not like we're going to write an entire novel to test the 
word processor, or setup a FreeIPA domain so we can really give kmail a 
02:34 < tosky> uhm
02:34 < tosky> but isn't there an email client in the Workstation  too?
02:34 < tosky> at least, libreoffice is there
02:35 < adamw> sure
02:36 < adamw> those were just examples
02:36 < adamw> the point is, KDE has something like 3-4x as many things in its 
default launcher menus as Workstation does
02:36 < adamw> (rough number, I have not counted)

I'm not certain my proposals are the best - but hey - that's why its a 
proposal - and my aim was to start getting people talking about this as an 

Everyone should weigh in on these, and maybe a short case about what should 
stay, what should go.

Remember, this is purely about the Live boot image - which then becomes the 
default install. Things that can be reasonably expected to be installed via 
DNF *after* installing to a HDD are a prime candidate to be removed from the 
live image. As such, I'd love more suggestions.

I believe we need to get in early to start making progress - otherwise we'll 
find ourselves in the F27 release cycle before we know it!

Steven Haigh

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