Fedora KDE
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kwin_x11 issue - 94 to 99 % process.,
Robin Laing
qBittorrent not working in F32,
Patrick O'Callaghan
brightness on lenovo ideapad,
Adrian Sevcenco
gtk settings and F32,
Ed Greshko
Improving KDE groupings,
Carson Black
kde-20 wayland finally usable?,
Neal Becker
Accounts in System Settings, Syam Krishnan
Blocking on user switching: redux,
Adam Williamson
Re: Blocking on user switching: redux, Neal Gompa
Re: Blocking on user switching: redux, Rex Dieter
Message not available
Fwd: Live-user Autologin is not properly configured in fedora-live-kde-base.ks, Sreyan Chakravarty
Call for testing: KDE user switching (proposed Blocker bug #1817708), Adam Williamson
No microphone input,
Klaus Kolle
qt 5.14.2 coming to rawhide, Rex Dieter
pkg review: pulseaudio-qt,
Rex Dieter
FYI: Dolphin Bookmarks,
Colin J Thomson
Konqueror does not start on the latest compose,
Lukas Ruzicka
issues with kopete joining a group chat (room), S.Bob
Call for testing: 4K displays and/or resolution scaling on X11 (especially AMD adapters), Adam Williamson
KDE Touchpad System Settings Disabled, Possible regressions in Xorg support, pv . bugzilla+fedora
Support for Q4Wine, compiler issues related to Qt, Kevin Degeling
Revamping the Release Readiness meeting,
Ben Cotton
knotes, kaddressbook, korganizer,
Walter Cazzola
Dolphin autostarting,
Patrick O'Callaghan
Energy Saving and 5.5.5-200 kernel,
Ed Greshko
proposal: Default application functionality criterion reduction,
Kamil Paral
Logging out and in again creates an every-increasing number of sessions,
Patrick O'Callaghan
Unable to install Grub2 Editor, Srikanth Hannabeprakash
Dolphin file view doesn't auto-update,
Patrick O'Callaghan
accounts-qml-module pkg review, Rex Dieter
@kde-desktop does not install qt5-qtsvg,
Neal Becker
Some thoughts / feedback about the Fedora KDE Spin,
Samuel Garcia
Re: Spectacle widgets look different from rest of KDE applications,
Syam Krishnan
texlive problem with newxt, Enrique Artal
The version update,
Mikhail Ramendik
Konsole - full border?,
phonon-qt4 package reviews, Rex Dieter
Not able to hook to internet on ADSL line,
Srikanth Hannabeprakash
Using bold fonts in Konsole,
George R Goffe
What to do with RHEL %if in KDE specs,
Troy Dawson
Compose key no longer works, Ben Cotton
No sleeping any more,
Klaus Kolle
SSD Access block UI,
Klaus Kolle
Should this be considered a bug?, Ed Greshko
Issues with current KDE spin on Ideapad 100s, bogdal . grzegorz
GTK apps not shown in pager,
Ian Pilcher
Qt 5.13.2 coming updates-testing, Jan Grulich
Konsole and X11 operands,
George R Goffe
KDE EPEL8 plan,
Troy Dawson
KDE EPEL8 module plan,
Troy Dawson
Enabling KDE tests for updates in openQA, Adam Williamson
Update on Fedora 31 + QWayland, Jan Grulich
KDE and GDM,
mario futire
Qt apps in Fedora 31 (GNOME / Wayland),
mario futire
sddm greeter in wayland,
Troy Dawson
Release a USB device?,
Ed Greshko
QT environment variables in F30 and el7 clone (ScientificLinux 7.7),
John Pilkington
Kst plot - Data Wizard file open dialog opens only directories not files, Syam Krishnan
Software Updates widget,
Patrick O'Callaghan
plasma-5.17.x for f31 (and possibly f30),
Rex Dieter
PwManager - how to extract passwords now that the program will no longer execute,
Fedora download,
F31 Qt apps crash on wayland session,
Sérgio Basto
Fixing display,
Klaus Kolle
package review: polkit-qt-1,
Rex Dieter
Slightly OT: KDE is now less of a resource hog than it's often thought to be,
Patrick O'Callaghan
KDE in EPEL8 - minor changes, Troy Dawson
Applications launched from qdbus are unthemed bug in Fedora 31, Aaron E
Keyboard layout preview shortcut, Patrick O'Callaghan
Re: Proposal: Toggle key criterion, Adam Williamson
Upgrade Problem,
Peter G.
Feedback about plasma 5.16.90-1.fc30 + KDE Frameworks 5.62.0,
Germano Massullo
Re: Fedora-31-20190930.n.1 compose check report, Adam Williamson
Problem with keeping window setting,
Klaus Kolle
kig and rkward are currently orphaned (was: Re: Orphaned packages to be retired (~400 during this week)),
Kevin Kofler
Change background color for the selected tab on konsole,
George R Goffe
KDE now available on EPEL 8 ... playground,
Troy Dawson
Intro Harold,
Harold Dost
F29: kdeinit5 closing unexpectedly every 5 minutes,
John Pilkington
FYI Gmail update, Colin J Thomson
Kmail Won't Retrieve Mail From Gmail,
Garry Williams
[F30] Custom launchers not showing in Fedora menu, Frédéric
Progress of KDE on EPEL8,
Troy Dawson
kconfig and CVE-2019-14744,
Rex Dieter
kmail not starting after the last update on F30,
José Abílio Oliveira Matos
Amarok systray context menu not working,
Syam Krishnan
EPEL8 KDE - Which Build Area,
Troy Dawson
dbus-1 path in some packages,
Troy Dawson
Fwd: [fedora-arm] Align the Fedora ARMv7 & AArch64 Spins offered in F31, Neal Gompa
I want a panel on all external screens,
S. Bob
KDE on EPEL 8,
Troy Dawson
Screen tearing, install xorg-x11-drv-XXX by default on KDE spin as it uses X11.,
Jonathan Rioux
kdeconnect plasmoid doesn't show notifications anymore,
Sinan H
Make Firefox (and other applications) respect KDE file associations,
Syam Krishnan
QtCreator on F29,
Richard Kimberly Heck
Change to Konsole switch profile keyboard shortcuts,
Patrick Boutilier
Dolphin and Konqueror not using System Time format, Peter G.
Korganizer crashes on launch (Fedora 30),
Syam Krishnan
Re: HEADS UP: libgit 0.28, Adam Williamson
firefox 67 - support for CSS media query prefers-color-scheme not working, Barry Scott
Time to retire upstream unmaintained kde4 packages, smokeqt and perl-Qt., Sérgio Basto
fixrefox 67 - support for CSS media query prefers-color-scheme not working, Barry Scott
plasma 5.15.90: where is it amarok?,
José Abílio Matos
Patrick O'Callaghan
Re: dnfdragora, Robert-André Mauchin
Desktop, panel etc settings - export/import,
John Horne
Crash on kontact/kmail with the latest (testing) upgrades,
José Abílio Matos
Fedora 30, KDE, and Nouveau,
Gerald Henriksen
new package review: kf5-kipi-plugins, Rex Dieter
Configuring the menu key in Plasma, F30, Marko Vojinovic
New LG Gram 17, no trackpad, S. Bob
kde on wayland update,
Neal Becker
System Upgrade (UEFI F29 --> F30),
Peter G.
Any plan to update to Qt 5.12.3?,
Orphaning kdesvn, Orion Poplawski
Okular lost duplex printing option in F30,
Mattia Verga
qDebug output in Qt Creator,
Syam Krishnan
F30 beta breeze-icon-theme issue,
Roderick Johnstone
missing application icons in tray applet after upgrade to f30 beta, Alexey Mednyy
KTorrent on NTFS, Syam Krishnan
QT 5.12 is not in F30,
Sérgio Basto
NVIDIA Lands Fix To Avoid High CPU Usage When Using The KDE Desktop, Neal Becker
"Basic graphics mode" feature and criterion discussion,
Adam Williamson
Message not available
Message not available
Re: F30 KDE Spin no Login GUI after update, Adam Williamson
Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 30 Candidate Beta-1.4 Available Now!,
Adam Williamson
Missing icons - purpose or a bug?,
Lukas Ruzicka
No sound over hdmi,
Alex Gurenko
Neal Becker
<Solved> Re: Slow, very slow switch user, Robin Laing
Missing header info - apps 18.12.2,
Colin J Thomson
Re: Slow, very slow switch user,
Reindl Harald
Steve Grubb
Different applications and menu items in Netinst and LiveCD,
Lukas Ruzicka
Finding orphaned KDE packages in Fedora,
Kai Bojens
Re: Spins keepalive deadline approaching,
Ben Cotton
kate - turn off "Highlight Selected Text",
Troy Dawson
Qt Creator - 'undeclared' error for Qt4 projects, Syam Krishnan
Profile corrupt,
Klaus Kolle
Updates - A difference of opinion,
Ed Greshko
KDE rebuild for RHEL8,
Troy Dawson
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