Fedora KDE
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- F24 5.33.0 digital clock refuses to show only time, Felix Miata
- update,
Rex Dieter
- Print in grayscale does not work,
Mattia Verga
- Could not locate service type... spam, Neal Becker
- kde-sig meeting today,
Rex Dieter
- questionable dependencies, Reindl Harald
- service menu only when 2 files are selected, Reindl Harald
- Slow system boot up these days,
Terry Barnaby
- System load average very hight by akonadi processes after login, igeo . cu
- plasma-5.9.4 for f25,
Rex Dieter
- Kontact hangs in Fedora 26,
José Abílio Matos
- KDE in Rawhide: things are...bigger?,
Adam Williamson
- kwin / plasmashell not starting,
Ian Malone
- F26 Talking Points,
Eduard Lucena
- Error messages after upgrade to kernel 4.10.5,
P Breviglieri
- app updates haven't worked for weeks,
Neal Becker
- change file associations,
Reindl Harald
- F26 Konsole 16.12.3 lost scrollbar buttons,
Felix Miata
- LXDE causing KDE problems, Frederico Lima
- Strange pager appearance,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Kontact lost GPG support?,
Anthony Joseph Messina
- Getting rid of un-needed GNOME files,
Gerald B. Cox
- KDE on QEMU/KVM v.s. GNOME, Ed Greshko
- kde update issues,
Roderick Johnstone
- baloo mem usage,
Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich
- Broken task switcher rendering,
Sandro Mani
- Problem reading "Fedora rawhide compose report" messages on kmail,
José Abílio Matos
- fc24: black screen after login,
John Pilkington
- Libreofice presenter crashes my laptop every couple of hours,
- ksnapshot slightly broken in Plasma 5.9.3?,
Ed Greshko
- Plasma 5.9.3 status,
Rex Dieter
- QDBusObjectPath: invalid path "", Dominik Kucher
- Kernel update and vmware issues,
- Sound management seems to be broken.,
Sudhir Khanger
- Re: Kmail searching issues,
Garry Williams
- kf5-5.31.0 and plasma-5.8.6 in -testing,
Rex Dieter
- What package may be at fault here...,
Ed Greshko
- Plasma 5.x vs Fedora KDE rollout schedules, P Breviglieri
- drop kdiff3?,
Neal Becker
- Rawhide: black screen after login,
Mattia Verga
- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/XorgWithoutRootRights,
Reindl Harald
- Dolphin does not display svg icons for directories, José Abílio Matos
- Locked screen doesn't stay in energy saving mode,
Roderick Johnstone
- Transaction error check,
Peter G.
- Qupzilla - Can't add speed dials,
Gerald B. Cox
- something wrong with plasma update widget since 2017,
Peter G.
- gam_server is ruining Plasma user experience, Germano Massullo
- Windows key to launch menu stops working,
Go Canes
- Removing a panel widget,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- kate sucks -> file permissions still make it unuseable, Reindl Harald
- issues with spectacle screen capture,
- Re: Fedora Rawhide-20170120.n.0 compose check report, Adam Williamson
- missing ark contextmenues in Konqueror,
Reindl Harald
- kmail no longer works,
Peter G.
- KDE crashes, Dominik Kucher
- KDE/SDDM screen resolution.,
Piotr Gbyliczek
- sddm nvidia/wayland question F25,
Robin Laing
- tag-invalid <icon> not allowed in appdata,
Gerald B. Cox
- F24->F25 upgrade changed fonts style,
Germano Massullo
- kf5-libktorrent,
Ed Greshko
- plasmashell and VNC,
Ed Greshko
- System freeze mounting USB BTRFS filesystem, Steven Haigh
- Fwd: Re: KDE toolbar frozen in F25, was: Cannot choose window manager at login, and keyboard problem,
M. Fioretti
- kde4-workspace,
Sérgio Basto
- More fun with Bluetooth,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Fwd: Tutorial for KDE task bar widgets needed,
Fulko Hew
- Fedora 25 + Nvidia,
Tom Back
- What happened to Open with,
Emmett Culley
- KDE Applications 16.12?,
Rajeesh K V
- Update fails while updating qt5-qtdeclarative on F25,
José Abílio Matos
- Default language for Anaconda, Dhaval Anjaria
- Logging out kills Bluetooth,
Patrick O'Callaghan
- Announcement: First Kannolo (pure-KDE Fedora Remix) ISO release, Kevin Kofler
- Cannot start multiple Qt Creator instances,
Syam Krishnan
- F25 upgrade: task bar freeze,
- multi screen issues,
- Applications requiring root privileges not running on F25 KDE,
P Breviglieri
- Display Settings Command Line Equivalent,
Ed Greshko
- diffenent inkscape theme when running from konsole or krunner, Lukas Middendorf
- kde-sig meeting tomorrow (dec 6) agenda, Rex Dieter
- Fedora25: SDDM not showing NIS accounts,
Terry Barnaby
- Errors while upgrading from F24 to F25, Mattia Verga
- override /etc/xdg/autostart,
Reindl Harald
- okular5 and kile beta,
Enrique Artal
- No KDE option in session menu,
Tom Baron
- Plasma 5.8.4 lost kwallet (update to -testing on F24),
Raman Gupta
- No KDE option when logging on on FC24 desktop,
- Plasma integration for Thunderbird in F25, Andreas Petzold
- How automatic date/time setting is done on Fedora 24 KDE,
Syam Krishnan
- broken dependencies,
Reindl Harald
- F24: KIO failures Plasma 5.8.3,
Germano Massullo
- Digital clock widget date font size in F25, Ian Pilcher
- KDE and latest Fedora 24 kernel do not get along,
Charles R. Dennett
- how to get rid of powerdevil with 5.8,
Reindl Harald
- KDE5.8: 2 issues - clock-display and ssh-add,
Reindl Harald
- Plasma Notes Widget (F25), Peter G.
- plasma-5.8.3 for fedora 24,
Rex Dieter
- Apper problems,
Mustafa Muhammad
- time to orphan/retire unmaintained uncommon kde4 language bindings?,
Rex Dieter
- Re: [Test-Announce] Fedora 25 Candidate RC-1.1 Available Now!, Adam Williamson
- F25 i686 lockup with radeon 7500 (rv200), Felix Miata
- Panel mutually exclusive with root window actions,
KMail not working (again),
Timothy Murphy
Fedora 25 Final blocker status mail #1, Adam Williamson
enable trackpad right click on a thinkpad X1 carbon 2nd generation, CS DBA
How do I run xorg-modesettings driver instead of xorg-intel?,
Sudhir Khanger
KDE frequently crashing during initialization in Fedora 25 openQA testing,
Adam Williamson
Kscreenlocker won't unlock,
Patrick O'Callaghan
ksmserver-logout-greeter seg faulting,
Ed Greshko
Plasma 5.8.X in Fedora 24,
Aivis Purvinsh
Walter Cazzola
Building Plasma from source: KWin does not build: Could NOT find Qt5PlatformSupport,
Fredy Neeser
KMail: anyone seeing this bizarre behaviour,
Timothy Murphy
KDE4 , I don't want kde4 I want kde4-workspace !,
Sérgio Basto
Building Plasma from source: networkmanager-qt: Could NOT find libnm-core, check FindPkgConfig output above!,
Fredy Neeser
Flex 2.6.0 generates C90-incompatible code,
Fredy Neeser
Broken users session management,
Germano Massullo
Printer recommendations,
KDE Project releases KDE 1 !,
Neal Becker
Trying to use nouveau in plasma and f23,
John Pilkington
Calendar widget showing events from KOrganizer,
Syam Krishnan
KDEInit buggy with kcachegrind,
Reindl Harald
System can't reach screen locker,
Sudhir Khanger
programatic way to temporarily disable power management?,
Neal Becker
5.8 multiscreen problems,
Steven Haigh
How is Session Restore related to Autostart?,
Patrick O'Callaghan
Offline Updates and KDE,
Gerald B. Cox
No battery level in Plasma 5.7.5,
Patrick O'Callaghan
Dolphin and samba problem,
Mattia Verga
Neal Becker
erroneous crash detection,
Ed Greshko
plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr,
Rex Dieter
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, Colin J Thomson
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, Ed Greshko
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, Rajeesh K V
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, Garry Williams
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, Neal Becker
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, Ed Greshko
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, Neal Becker
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, Florian Sievert
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, Mustafa Muhammad
- Re: plasma-5.8.0 avilable in copr, José Abílio Matos
dbus-update-activation-environment not working, Fredy Neeser
F24, KDE Plasma 5.7.5: Menu and desktop widgets react to mouse events with seconds of delay,
Fredy Neeser
Fedora 24 KDE screen resolution issue,
Apper should not override the widget style,
Kevin Kofler
windows go behind panel, CS DBA
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