I'm running Fedora 24 KDE spin on a thinkpad X1 carbon 4th gen laptop. I
have 2 external monitors and most often they work well, I plug one into
the hdmi port and a second via a vga adapter into the laptop's mini
display port.
More and more often I'm having issues when I plug in the external
monitors. The menu & taskbar/panel jumps around asI plug in the
monitors. I want this to stay on the laptop. Even though the display
settings shows the laptop as the primary screen
Sometimes one of the external monitors will show up with no background,
I can move the mouse to it and I can drag windows to it but I cannot
right click on the background and get a menu.
I've even tried manually controlling the monitors via xrandr, the last
time I had issues my panel moved to a secondary monitor, xrandr reported
that the laptop was indeed still set as the primary, running "xrandr
--output eDP-1 --primary" had no effect. I generally have to reboot 5 or
6 times to get the external monitors to behave. Sometimes I actually
have to remove my .config directory before it will work.
Can anyone help me debug this?
Thanks in advance
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