Re: change file associations

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Am 26.03.2017 um 13:58 schrieb Luigi Toscano:
Reindl Harald ha scritto:

Am 26.03.2017 um 13:18 schrieb Luigi Toscano:
Reindl Harald ha scritto:
the system settings are becoming less and less over time, in the past there
was a option to review and change all file associations from a central point

Systemsettings -> Applications -> File Associations.

ah there it is hidden now

It has been there for a long time, and it's available from the search.

if i need a search the UI is not optimal

Do you have other signs of less system setting options?

well, systemsettings had in the past surely more than 20 options

Some of them may be grouped differently. Please name which ones are missing.

i don't have screenshots of each and every version, i only can tell you that in the past i did not have too seek that entry, but since we are now in the next background-change renaming all .desktop files upstream once again we likely need it more often.....

(except you are just a out-of-the-box user or throw away your userhome regulary)

however, that i need to log out and login again to even have a chance if
changes are effective than that's a joke, especially when that change is
made out of the application (Konqueror in that case) itself

And in fact you generally don't. Did you try to wait a bit/and or
kbuildsycoca(4)? This is probably done more frequently/easily with the
Frameworks based version of Konqueror in Frameworks environment.

sorry, but when i right click on a file, the "Open with" list ist not as it should be, chose file properties and adapt it i expect that not to get visible at a random point of time

ESPECIALLY when there is even a progress winows talking about refreshing system configuration or however it is called in english

BTW: good to hear that we will still be alive when Knoqueror is no longer a KDE4 application because it's current shape go worser and worser (no ark context menus, translations recently become a bad joke...)
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