Slow system boot up these days

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Just an observation and to discuss the slow booting of Kde/Plasma/Linux these days.

On a laptop I have, a Thinkpad T410, i5 4 core 2.6GHz, 4G RAM, Spinning 1 TByte 7200rpm disk (110 MBytes/s sequential reed speed) I get the following rough figures:

Windows7 to login screen: 24s
Windows7 from login screen to desktop: 10s
Windows7 overall: 34s

Fedora25/KDE to login screen: 50s (1:46 when updatedb runs)
Fedora25/KDE from login screen to desktop: 50s
Fedora25/KDE overall: 1:40 (-> 2:36 when updatedb is running)

I get similar but slightly faster speeds on desktop i5 systems, again with spinning disks. SSD systems I have are faster (It does seem to be disk bound) but still not that quick.

It is starting to get noticeable/an issue these days and getting embarrassing when going to meetings with a Linux Laptop !

Once Fedora25/KDE its running it is quite snappy, unless there is disk activity going on in the background when some things can lockup awaiting disk (why should desktop code be so disk reliant ?)

I know disk readahead is no longer present which doesn't help, but it does seem that the code in general, and KDE/Plasma specifically appears to be getting a bit bloated and disk bound. Of the 50s to login screen 23s appears to be due to sddm (not sure on that). Could this be due to more extensive usage of things like QtQuick (QtSlow !) ?

Ok, I can buy a SSD, disable updatedb (but why does this start during boot quite often ?), change to a different desktop and/or suspend to mem/disk but really the system shouldn't be this slow and probably power consuming. Oh for the days of KDE 3 :) (An ancient Thinkpad 600E, Mobile Pentium II 363 MHz, 228 MBytes RAM running Fedora6 and KDE 3 system takes 21 s from login screen to KDE 3 desktop (Ok Linux boot to login is a bit slow on that one at about 1:10)).

Does anyone in the know think that this performance aspect may improve or get worse as the KDE/Plasma 5 series is developed ?

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