Re: F26: Konqueror

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Kevin Kofler wrote:
> Luigi Toscano wrote:
>> The sidebar is gone. The porting was not trivial (it needed a rewrite,
>> still using the non-MVC architecture pre-Qt4) and it was probably "wait
>> forever until it's ported, or release Konqueror without".
> That is a really lame excuse. The non-MVC Q*Widget (QListWidget, 
> QTreeWidget) are still available in Qt 5. They may not fit some developer's 
> ideals of "cleanliness", but they just work. And even if the code was still 
> using the old Q3* stuff, porting that to Q*Widget is rather straightforward, 
> there is no need to port to MVC at all.
> Even if the code was using advanced Q3ListViewItem features such as custom 
> painting code, it is possible to get that to work in non-Qt3Support Qt 4 and 
> in Qt 5 without porting to MVC. I have done it in Kompare. Hint: The 
> QItemDelegate, while documented to work only with the MVC views, actually 
> works perfectly fine with Q*Widget, because Q*Widgets ARE Q*Views 
> internally. So just set a QItemDelegate on your Q*Widget that calls a 
> virtual paint method of your abstract Q*WidgetItem subclass, and then the 
> concrete subclasses of that class can provide custom paint methods just as 
> in Qt 3 days. There is no need to refactor the code at all.
> Just see my Kompare porting commits, in particular:
> Fake technical arguments may work with users who are not familiar with Qt, 
> but you cannot fool me.

Sure, so remove the part into the brackets form my sentence; the relevant part
is still valid.
You are more than welcome to discuss this with David and maybe the new guy who
proposed himself as maintainer and propose a patch.

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