On 27/11/17 23:15, John Pilkington wrote:
I like to use a graphical packager manager to get easy repo management -
either immediate or sticky. In f25 and f26 yumex-dnf lets me examine
things as non-root and then asks for permission before making changes.
I understand that the current recommendation in f26 is dnfdragora.
As non-root, the dnfdragora gui allows me to select or deselect repos -
and the one I particularly want to control is rpmfusion updates - but
this seems to have no effect on the packages found. Am I supposed to
have 'kdesu dnfdragora' in the launcher?
I have kannolo-root-unlocker installed.
I tried it with 'kdesu dnfdragora' and a newly-selected repo was still
Earlier, as non-root, fedora-updates showed 14 updates. I used the gui
to enable rpmfusion-updates, but saw no more. After a 'divided by a
common language' moment I guessed that 'Check all' meant 'Select all',
supplied the root password, and the original 14 updates were installed.
When that had happened all the possible (and mostly unwanted) updates
from rpmfusion were on offer. I quit.
I should explain that I'm running a local build of mythtv master that is
seen as a downgrade from the version in rpmfusion, and I don't want it
overwritten. I haven't yet found a good change to the specfile, which
seems fine in other respects.
> TIA,
> John P
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