PHP Users
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- Re: Mysql strategy, (continued)
Parsing brackets in text,
Dotan Cohen
PHP product licensing...,
Jon Anderson
spot the mistake,
Max File Upload Size,
Tom Chubb
PEAR::MDB2 andquery,
Alain Roger
How do you do the ? mark after a filename,
Thomas Bonham
Re: How do you do the ? mark after a filename, Norbert Ehart
Encoder efficiency,
Sancar Saran
activation through email,
Ahmad Al-Twaijiry
PEAR, MDB2 and MDB2_Driver_pgsql, Alain Roger
PHP Source File Encoding,
C Drozdowski
convert postgres date to PHP,
Alain Roger
MDB2 and PostgreSQL, Alain Roger
Re: MDB2 simple test,
Alain Roger
PEAR and MDB2,
Alain Roger
pdo and mysql 5,
Alain Roger
problem with php[4,5] (horde 2/3),
Norbert Ehart
PHP 5.0.5 and PHP-XML problem,
Edd Dawson
Read Through PHP Files,
PHP, MySQL- Interested?,
John Sladek
gethostbyname failing?,
Henrik Hudson
Staff log-in,
Brynjar Guðnason
Re: Staff log-in, benifactor
Re: Staff log-in, tedd
Message not available
Re: Staff log-in, IMADICA_MOKULEN
Determining what's installed,
http_build_query ... argh,
Jochem Maas
Alain Roger
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Zend, Ray Hauge
problem with imagestring(),
Piotr Sulecki
SOAP and MSSQL, Kencana
imap_getmailboxes - how to understand the values of "attributes"?, Jens Meyer
Simple logic but can't get it right,
Choy, Wai Yew
dns_get_record(), Ed
Permanent Links - Blog,
Raphael Martins
Gmail / RSS accessing from script,
Chris Ditty
Join table with clashing fieldnames,
Kris Leech
DLL error,
Robert Hicks
access to DB and security,
Alain Roger
generate key with subjectAltName?, Markus Krause
php.ini and .htaccess not working for php parameters,
James Tu
Time-Zone juggling,
Richard Lynch
Nested includes - Relative paths?,
Nuno Vaz Oliveira
pass value to next page,
Wang Chen
PHP Consultant / Contractor, Max Clark
list of countries,
James Tu
Parse Errors with 5.2 on Linux,
Michael Caplan
PHP-based content and document management, Anas Mughal
Alain Roger
PHP and dynamic DHTML menus - suggestions,
Angelo Zanetti
Authentification and LDAP (SSO / Single Sign-On),
Alain Roger
problems with SOAP-PHP5 and heritage,
Ronaldo Reis Junior
Message not available
'View as HTML' Conversions,
Spam using email on website,
Pieter du Toit
Preventing users from inserting malicious HTML into comments,
Dotan Cohen
Code execution speed,
fsockopen error messages,
Philip Thompson
Pulling Data From a Page,
Phillip Baker
fwrite() timeout,
Martin Cetkovsky
Freelance php project... clone a website's functionality [0T], Ryan A
Help! PRINTF Function,
ngoc . truong-torche
What is 'object class introspection '?, John.H
image commands (again),
Ron Piggott (PHP)
Ron Piggott (PHP)
PHP in Kenya,
Mark Steudel
Sorting MySQL queries,
Dotan Cohen
XML Sending problem,
Ron Piggott (PHP)
Trying to create an encryption method,
John Meyer
Issue when inserting Slovak characters in database via PHP code,
Alain Roger
Alain Roger
Alain Roger
postgreSQl and images,
Alain Roger
ChangeLog PHP 5.2.0 - Fileupload,
Christian Heinrich
[newbie in session] Is is right behavior???,
Mariusz Topczewski
Protecting Streaming Audio,
Adam Gittins
Make install dumps core with PHP 5.2.0, Mendonce, Kiran (STSD)
PEAR - LOG, Sr. Paulo Ricardo
Google Kreme
Iterating over parallel arrays using each(),
Brian Salomaki
in_array() related problem,
open source zip code geographical drill down,
Ben Liu
setlocale madness... please help!,
Jochem Maas
Finding user's timezone,
Dotan Cohen
Re: Finding user's timezone, Richard Lynch
Why a script belong to user 'root' and the folder this script create is belonged to user 'nobody'?,
Use of substr(),
Mac PHP & MySQL,
Ed Lazor
DomDocument->schemaValidate() in PHP4, Rob Smith
How to Display a page while script runs?,
Richard Lynch
any PHP script for membership / subscription of articles with paypal integration...?, Sumeet
把借钱的功夫一次全学会!, 融资策划36计
[ANNOUNCE] PHP 5.2.0 Released!, Ilia Alshanetsky
As use PHP_MAPscript??????,
Eduardo Arévalo
PHP 5.1.6 on Mac OSX 10.4.8 w/MySQL 5.0.27 support,
Ed Lazor
Form verification,
Ron Piggott (PHP)
Closing a connection to browser without exiting the script,
David Négrier
OO website/program doubt,
Meghdad Azriel
Microsoft Partners With Zend,
Daevid Vincent
- Re: Microsoft Partners With Zend, Robert Cummings
- Re: Microsoft Partners With Zend, Ed Lazor
- Re: Microsoft Partners With Zend, Richard Lynch
- Re: Microsoft Partners With Zend, Sancar Saran
- Re: Microsoft Partners With Zend, steve
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: Microsoft Partners With Zend, tg-php
- RE: Microsoft Partners With Zend, Jay Blanchard
- RE: Microsoft Partners With Zend, ray . hauge
- RE: Microsoft Partners With Zend, ray . hauge
- RE: Microsoft Partners With Zend, ray . hauge
- RE: Microsoft Partners With Zend, ray . hauge
- RE: Microsoft Partners With Zend, Ray Hauge
Directory name,
Sugrue, Sean
Changing the Action attribute of Form,
why so slow?,
Probably a dumb question but...,
Tom Ray [Lists]
php.ini & ini_set,
301 redirect returning 302 instead,
Add buttons on the fly,
Wang Chen
Remote Robot Control with PHP,
Prathaban Mookiah
Manually Inserted Row,
Keith Spiller
Sorting Multidimensional Array,
Keith Spiller
No Error Messages,
Sancar Saran
PHP IMAP with Attachments!?,
channels attribute value returns wrong,
dhatri gmail
need help with foreach,
PHP & Memory Allocation (checked via TOP),
Cabbar Duzayak
IIS Rewrite or Mod_Rewrite,
Stupid question of the day (Editing text file in $HOME via web),
Google Kreme
help confirming a PDO_SQLITE bug,
Rick Fletcher
only one at atime,
Ahmad Al-Twaijiry
Run script every 30 seconds,
Ahmad Al-Twaijiry
Encoding PC-850,
PHP Search Engine - Synonyms,
Imagecopyresampled creates black pictures,
Martin Hochreiter
array, classes and values,
Decide witch table within a union,
Børge Holen
str_replace on words with an array,
Dotan Cohen
Re: str_replace on words with an array, Stut
Re: str_replace on words with an array, Jochem Maas
Re: str_replace on words with an array, Jochem Maas
IMAP functions for NNTP,
strange problem with count(),
Gunnar Beushausen
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