Ave! I have a problem with imagestring() function. It is supposed to put a string onto an image. The problem is, it's working has been silently changed, and I don't know when or why, or how I can get the old behaviour back. I'm trying to put an ISO 8859-2 string onto the image, but I get an ISO 8859-1 string instead. There is no way of using other encodings in imagestring(). THERE IS NO MENTION OF A CHARSET, OR AN ENCODING, OR A CODE PAGE IN THE IMAGESTRING() DOCUMENTATION. I have lots of image-manipulating scripts which I have to move from an old server to newer one. The old server is running PHP 4.4.2, the new one - PHP 5.2.0, both with GD 2.0 or higher. On the old server the strings are put in ISO 8859-2, on the new one the same code puts ISO 8859-1 strings. You can see the problem at the following URLs: old server: http://www.traxelektronik.pl/gdtest.php3 new server: http://neptun.traxelektronik.pl/~psulecki/gdtest.php3 You can see the source of the scripts if you change the extension above to .phps. I know I can use TrueType fonts. Fixing all my scripts to work with TrueType would require quite a lot of work, however. I'd rather add some config parameters to the server. Regards, Piotr Sulecki. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php