Hi gurus, I've the following piece of PHP code....It is a simple logic but I can't get it right....The output result of $id is "b"!!...It should be "outside", right?? I think it is the variable $b....Coz' it depend on the previous check ( if ($a == 0) ) for the value... If this is the case, how can I get this logic works?? Thanks a million, Choy <?php $a = 1; $id = "outside"; if ($a == 0) { $b = 1; $id = "a"; } elseif ($b == 0) { $c = 1; $id = "b"; } elseif ($c == 0){ $d = 1; $id = "c"; } echo "ID = $id<br>"; //Output is "b"...WHY?? It should be "outside"... ?>