You put the data in a directory outside of the webspace and use PHP
to grab the file and send it to someone. That way you're able to
control access to the file.
By webspace, I'm referring to the directories outside of the ones
used to store and serve your webpages. This directory structure
would serve as an example for where you store your webpages and where
you store your data separately from the webpages:
On Nov 3, 2006, at 9:29 PM, Adam Gittins wrote:
Dear List,
I have had a question that has been bugging me for a while now.
that I need to have a members website. Which I want to protect
audio (Real, or Windows Media), now all the pages I can protect
with a MYSQL
DB and PHP. But when it comes to protecting a url of a file or
audio feed it
becomes tricky. What is the procedure? Would I have to use the
file? But then when I open a realaudio file it will ask for a
username and
passworld again..
How does one protect an url - or do I have to copy the file to a
temp dir
and then after a set time delete it?
Help, there must be a way..
Thanks for any ideas..
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