Why can't you just add a
From: Registrar <registrar@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
header? =/
- tul
Chris wrote:
Beauford wrote:
That doesn't work.
Here is what I have.
Which is (senders address, the subject, the body of the message, and the
from address)
The from address is taken from this, and I added the -f in front of it.
define("regaddress", "-fregistrar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
It still says it comes from:
Nobody [nobody@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]; on behalf of; Registrar
That's something different entirely to what your original email said.
Your mail server is adding that, it's not a php setting you can change.
If you look at the mail source, it will have an extra header in there
(can't remember what it is but check against this email - something like
"Sender" or "Sender-Address").
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