PHP Users
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- Re: <?=$var?> on OS X, (continued)
- Negative memory_get_usage() Values,
- PHP sendmail proxy (using xinetd), Kelly Jones
- Self generating variables/arrays,
- GD.. con't,
- GD, and GD JPEG,
- So, should money ecomonies collapse, you could still have a valuation system built on how others percieved you., Carol Locke
- problems re-reading from socket,
Martin Marques
- Select two table with DB_DataObject,
Yves Tannier
- header,
João Cândido de Souza Neto
- Storing objects in sessions recursively,
Dave M G
- Attaching File to be Emailed,
- Serving out a file to Firefox ... headers?,
Brian Dunning
- Problems to login via POST on a external site.,
Benny Pfitzner
- To install a small program from a web browser,
- Ftp a file-->errors in rendered page, Ftp the file again-->works fine. Huh?,
Nicholas Crosby
- GD - Problem writing text,
Fredrik Thunberg
- PHP and XML,
- [Smarty]How smarty name its combiled file?,
- Programmatic POST,
- what settings I have to use in php 5.1.2?,
- Encoding,
João Cândido de Souza Neto
- Resolution in .pdf, Rosen
- backing up a database,
- Please hack my app,
Ivo F.A.C. Fokkema
- problem using imagejpeg function all,
- 3d modeling-php,
blackwater dev
- Re: 3d modeling-php, Richard Lynch
Re: 3d modeling-php, tedd
Re: 3d modeling-php, Manuel Lemos
Re: 3d modeling-php, Micky Hulse
Re: mime type,
Richard Lynch
- <Possible follow-ups>
- MIME type, Angelo Zanetti
Re: confirm unsubscribe from php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Google Kreme
newbie problem - extraneous newlines inserted in PHP-generated HTML form source,
Mark White
Help with typecasting by default in the function parameter list,
Jared Farrish
Useful function for file download (i.e. MP3),
Brad Fuller
multiple upload files?,
XML parser error ..,
HTTP / XML Project help required,
Richard Luckhurst
Programmer needed,
QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless - template help,
Chuck Reynolds
I'm getting ordered lists in my fieldsets - template help,
Chuck Reynolds
default postgreSQL schema,
Alain Roger
Check if string is pure ASCII?,
Jens Meyer
Merge PDF Files with PHP...,
Russell Jones
Safe includes?,
xmlrpc_encode_request - encode chars problem, Evandro Sestrem
Little script that might help against some email-/webcrawlers,
Frank Arensmeier
[SOAP-ENV:Client] Error cannot find parameter,
Developer wanted, Chris G
Wordwrap with UTF8/htmlentities, Mathijs
Static Pages with PHP,
John Comerford
Coding Standards Document,
John Comerford
HTML Forms, PHP Question,
How to work with virtual (seo) URLs?,
Erik Gyepes
PHP Programmers,
How to check value in multidimensional array,
Erik Gyepes
Re: How to check value in multidimensional array, clive
extracting the file name from the referrer,
Additional query for number of records in table,
count string within a string,
Børge Holen
RE: odd behavior of stripos() with === operator *LAST POST*, Ford, Mike
Converting array keys to variables?,
Ashley M. Kirchner
RE: odd behavior of stripos() with === operator *LAST POST*,
Ford, Mike
Problem with wanting something NOT to round,
George Pitcher
Hide Warnings,
Stein Ivar Johnsen
Update function for content of existing CD?,
Frank Arensmeier
odd behavior of stripos() with === operator,
Re: odd behavior of stripos() with === operator *LAST POST*, Michael
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: odd behavior of stripos() with === operator, Michael
Dynamic Year Drop Down,
Albert Padley
Space in regex,
Dotan Cohen
Re: Space in regex, Myron Turner
Re: Space in regex, Myron Turner
Re: Space in regex, Richard Lynch
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: Space in regex, Ford, Mike
Looping through array,
Ashley M. Kirchner
Re: Looping through array, James Tu
Re: Looping through array, tedd
Re: Looping through array, Paul Novitski
Excel problem,
amit hetawal
PHP 5.2.0 Session Handling Bug? Can someone test this please?,
Colin Guthrie
Sorting multidimensional arrays,
Dave Goodchild
printing page functionality, Ulf Hyltmark
ob_start() and a callback function within a class, not updating ob_get_level().,
taking a one off payment,
Tom Chubb
Smart Quotes not so smart,
Larry Garfield
cURL uses,
Philip Thompson
How to output an MP3 file?,
Brian Dunning
Function Misbehaving,
__get() accessor question (a bug maybe?),
Checking file existence,
Ashley M. Kirchner
CSS / PHP / Javascript,
Ed Lazor
Splitting a string,
Børge Holen
php function like javas setTimeout??,
brian debottari (sin7)
After Upgrade to php 5 unlink fails, Vernon Webb
date() function,
Ashley M. Kirchner
php cli and mysql,
James Tu
Prevent XSS using DOM Extension and/or SimpleXML,
Raphael Martins
Call to undefined function,
Tom Chubb
Tour Guide around Jordan (Middle East) OFFER,
PHP firebird driver, Jacques Marneweck
Compressing both php and linked css files with ob_gzhandler and htaccess,
Graham Anderson
Problem with PHP 5.2.0,
Scrolling text,
Alain Roger
MDB2 : never ending story,
Alain Roger
DOM Validation using PHP, Raphael Martins
Re: Highjack?, Matt Carlson
RE: Fwd: Highjack?, Jim Moseby
RE: Fwd: Highjack?, tedd
Re: Highjack?, Andrei
RE: Highjack?, bruce
server side security,
H. Dan Phillips
one click - two actions?,
Mysql strategy,
Dotan Cohen
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