On Mon, 2006-11-13 at 17:49 +0100, Alain Roger wrote: > Dear all, > > i still got the same error when i run this code : > ==> Call to a member function fetchRow() on a non-object on line "while Then why not try something else? Try this: $db2 =& MDB2::connect($dsn, $options); if (PEAR::isError($db2)) { die("Error connection : ".$db2->getMessage()."<br><br>".$db2->getUserinfo()); } $db2->setLimit($first, $count); //set the first row that you want and the number of rows after that that you want... $res = $db2->exec($stmt); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $ret = false; } else { .............; --Paul
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