Hi guys,
I have an array with navigation items like that:
$navigationItemArr = array("Home"=>"home",
How can I check for a value in this array?
I tried something like this:
..for.... $i++.. { // there is a normal for cycle, this is just an
if(in_array($bodyVariablePiece[$i], $navigationItemArr)) {
echo "$bodyVariablePiece[$i] [$i] - ok<br />";
else {
echo "$bodyVariablePiece[$i] [$i] - error<br />";
* in $bodyVariablePiece are values extracted from URL like - home,
profile, photogallery, contact
Everything works except contact - there it show error. So what is the
correct way to check values in multidimensional arrays? Is it possible
with in_array() function?
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