PHP Users
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- Re: PEAR mail sorted as spam, (continued)
- read cwk files,
John Salib
- http request problem,
- Pushing a file to the browser,
Mike Mannakee
- how to static link openssl libs into php binary, hbeaumont hbeaumont
- Trouble compiling in mysqli under PHP5 -- "mysql_config not found",
Weston C
- I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST,
- Re: I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST, Jochem Maas
- Re: I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST, Richard Lynch
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST, Ligaya A. Turmelle
- I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST, Charley
- I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST, Charley
- I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST, Charley
- I need help with PHP, cURL, and POST, Charley
- Converting C# Hashing Routines to PHP,
Jason Alexander
- problem with SSL, afan
- E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR - 5.1.6 to 5.2.0,
- PEAR installation error,
Alistair Tweed
- [JOB] Seeking PHP/Perl programmer willing to learn mod_perl - Charlotte, NC,
Kevin Old
- How to read cookies set by php?,
Dotan Cohen
- RE: How to read cookies set by php?, Peter Lauri
- Re: How to read cookies set by php?, Richard Lynch
- Message not available
Formatting time :/,
Steven Macintyre
Please help me,
Anju Prasad
RE: Please help me, Steven Macintyre
Help me about detect client screen resolution!!!,
Le Phuoc Canh
Re: Help me about detect client screen resolution!!!, Strong Cypher
Re: php-general Digest 1 Jan 2007 20:15:42 -0000 Issue 4545, Fahad Pervaiz
Javascript detection,
<Possible follow-ups>
Javascript detection, tedd
Re: Javascript detection, Per Jessen
Writing Binary,
Philip W.
Snow on the logo,
[PHP-DEV] Semaphores - feature request, Wojciech Malota
Temporary Emails - Your Recommendations - An Appeal to the PHP Community,
Jason Paschal
Happy new year!, JMCS Niagara (Jeff)
Request of php5,
Basic question - Starting a background task without waiting for its end.,
Best way to manage open slots for download,
php 5 and register_globals=off gives lotsa errors,
Wikus Moller
php/ajax question,
mime with php4.4.4 does not work anymore,
Roger Thomas
Only allow one vhost to use exec() ?,
Project php-mobile,
Fernando chucre
help with \n\r in strings,
Angelo Zanetti
403 Forbidden,
Abhijit Raje
Peter Lauri
problem with mysql_real_escape_string(),
reading MS Excel?,
William Stokes
Re: reading MS Excel?, Miles Thompson
PHP & podcasts,
Skip Evans
Re: PHP & podcasts, Richard Lynch
Simple PDF manipulation,
Brian Dunning
PDFlib problem,
GD 2.0.28 + PHP 4.4.2 + pixelation :(,
Steven Macintyre
pattern containing single quote in IF statement,
Downloading utf-8 encoded files,
Fahad Pervaiz
Couple Problem., Craige Leeder
array_intersect problem,
Leo Liu
scripting process doesn't function,
Geert T
Merry Christmas!,
Robert Cummings
New ImageMagick Extension, Kevin Waterson
Counting the occurences of items in an array,
Dotan Cohen
calling a function in the same page,
help with curl,
Angelo Zanetti
Customizing unserialize output., Jahangir
[Announce] GeryEngine a PHP5 template engine, Arjen Brouwer
Script's length, echo, and execution speed,
Jean-Christophe Roux
Clarification: Jump to a record/PHP paging...,
T.J. Mahaffey
New User Sign up Notification,
JMCS Niagara (Jeff)
Apache 2.2 + PHP5.2 + php_oci8.dll,
james tanhs
How to Separate PHP Errors to a file different than Apache Errors,
Shanon Swafford
upload max error,
Jump to a record when searching MYSQL with PHP Paging?,
T.J. Mahaffey
Excluding apostrophe's,
sessions vs domain problem,
Reinhart Viane
Count empty array,
Kevin Murphy
parsing objects,
MS Outlook 2003 Options,
Ray Hauge
random selection from each subfolder,
Steven Macintyre
um ... arrays,
Steven Macintyre
Creating multidimensional array,
Yonatan Ben-Nes
Poping array which has the matching value,
Leo Liu
Do Sockets Cache?,
SoapServer and Violation of encoding rules, Ville Mattila
use_trans_id doesn't add PHPSESSID to url string, blackwater dev
Trying to insert a large number from php to mysql,
WeberSites LTD
get id field in table,
Gonzalo Gorosito
A little code snippet I wanted to share, Jay Blanchard
ob_start("ob_gzhandler") and error handling functions,
Database Question,
Ashley M. Kirchner
Re: [an attempt to inject a bit of humor back into the situation] Re: [PHP] Recomended host, tg-php
For those who havent seen this, Ólafur Waage
Payflow and Php5 on FreeBSD,
Re: [an attempt to inject a bit of humor back into the situation] Re: [PHP] Recomended host,
Are PHP5 features worth it?,
Video question,
John Messam
R: Re: [PHP] Which PHP-script crashes my server?, David Restall - System Administrator
Which PHP-script crashes my server?,
Philipp Schwarz
ob_flush() possible memory leak in Apache, Chris Miller
Search Results Accuracy,
New windows build,
Edin Kadribasic
DOMDocument Size limit,
Chris W
Recomended host,
cannot quiet notice error,
Gonzalo Gorosito
Php Error Output Redirection,
Sancar Saran
config error,
Simon Forster
simplest way in php to get our content on another site / included javascript question,
Clearing POST variable on page refresh,
problem loading phpinfo,
problem with imagecreate on new webserver,
POST in Apache server,
imap_open('/path/to/mbox', '', ''),
Richard Lynch
Curl and cookies,
Fernando M. M.
PDO::prepare deallocate & PDOStatement::closeCursor(),
Yonatan Ben-Nes
LDAP and character encoding, Andreas Dahlen
WeberSites LTD
PDO statement/resultset,
David Duong
date formatting - no question here just a tip ..., Jochem Maas
Having problem sending XML over HTTP,
Nauman Akbar
date() and timezone,
Fernando M. M.
learning classes not sure how to do this correctly,
Exchange vs IMAP, Richard Lynch
Re: (SOLVED) Varying session behavior between 2 nearly identical Apache/PHP setups,
Matthew North
problem with ob_start() and header() in osCommerce cart,
PHP and connection to mail account,
Angelo Zanetti
Paste variable from popup to previous page?,
William Stokes
How php works?,
Kai Xiang
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