You could enable server-status in Apache configuration then you should
be able to wget server status
each minute (30 seconds?) by a cron-job. When the server is going down,
check that particular file. You
might want the cron-job to store each result in a new file so the cron
job doesn't overwrite the file when the
server is up again. Just an idea...
Philipp Schwarz skrev:
Hi guys,
I have a problem with my webserver. It is a server for me and some web
projekts of my friends. And there is one PHP script which kills the
whole server, but I do not know which one it is. When the server is
going down one apache process uses 99% CPU and memory. In this case I
can only reboot the server.
I would look up the file in the apache logs, but the script is started
some minutes before the server goes down and there are some hundred
requests per minute.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you!
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