I apologize for the previous message. This
one should wrap better.
To Ligaya and Jochm,
Thanks for your answers.
I have read and tried what several tutorials
say to do. I have used both arrays and query
strings to specify the post fields. I had
not seen the tutorial Ligaya mentioned, but
it was not essentially different from the
others I have seen. And the PHP cURL
documentation assumes that I know a lot more
about what each option means than I do. I
have been reading and re-reading that for
days now.
I have the feeling that there is a
CURLOPT_something or other that I should be
using and am not, but I have no idea what it
could be.
I thought it might have to do with cookies or
verification or something, but I think I have
tried all possible relevant combinations of
those things.
I guess I will let it go for a while -- I was
hoping someone would tell me that they had
thus and such problem and did this and that
to fix it and that that would work for me.
(OK, so I'm an optimist (optomist??))
Thanks again, guys.
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