On 1/3/07, Roman Neuhauser <neuhauser@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
# fahad.pervaiz@xxxxxxxxx / 2007-01-03 11:19:21 +0500:
> ===ORINGIAL===
Gah, early morning! Ok, I wasted my time thanks to your quoting style.
Would you please use something more conventional, like prefixing each
line of the quoted material with "> "? Thank you!
I had the same problem.
> I tried following code but it gives the same error
> $link="
> ";
> $handle2= fopen($link,"r");
Seriosly: does that mean that your original question is answered, or do
you still expect advice on getting it to work? I really can't tell,
there's neither a question nor a "solved" statement in your email.
It all is in Kencana's (the original author) shoes right now i dont
know what to advise other than what has been provided to figure out
such an odd error.
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