I am stuck at a wierd problem. I am trying to do comparision between a "query string" and a "string value". the string consists of some diacriticals and single quotes. But when i try to escape the single quotes using backshash (\) it doesnt work. and when i try to use it inside a double quote preg_replace() doesnt recognise the code. why is php not comaparing string with single quotes?? here is the code: if($_GET['query']==new) { filter($query);} elseif($_GET['query']==some'u'all) { filter($query);} elseif($_GET['query']==all'u'ppl) { filter($query);} function filter($query) { $pattern = array ('/new/','/some'u'all/','/all'u'ppl/'); $rep = array ("new way","Some of you all ","all of you"); $op = preg_replace($pattern,$rep,$_GET['query']); echo "<br>new value $op"; } also i wanted to just clarify is there a way of using multiple OR's in the same "if" condition i.e if(($_GET['query]')==new||newday||newtime||newbeginning||newthing) { // fn here; } -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php