Apache 2.2 + PHP5.2 + php_oci8.dll

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I saw numerous posting on this type of posting and no one seems to have a
consistent solution to it.

Lately, I am quite disapointed with the pain of going thru this
configuration and testing.
I need to access the oracle 8i server db using XP + Oracle client 8i +
Apache 2.2 + PHP5.2 and I have tried
the following without success.  What is the error ? not sumething special
but common
"PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
'c:\\php52\\ext\\php_oci8.dll' - The specified procedure could not be
found.\r\n in Unknown on line 0"
1.  download the php_oci8.dll from
http://pecl4win.php.net/ext.php/php_oracle.dll (you name the version, tried
everythign doesn't work)
2.  assign ORACLE_HOME, NSL_LANGUAGE...nope...doesn't work.
3.  use old php4.1.xx + Apache 1.3xx on XP with Oracle client 8i...nope
doesn't work ( I use this in my NT4, it works like charm)
4.  Zendcore for oracle...no no...it doesn't support Oracle 8i connectivity.
5.  anyone know where to look for oracle 8i/9i clients for linux ? not
available at oracle website :(

Anyone can help ?


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