TemuriI wrote:
class baseForm { private $_id = 10; function __get($member) { echo "Accessing member \"{$member}\" : <br />\n"; return $this->$member; } function checkID() { echo $this->_id."<br />\n"; } } class inputText extends baseForm { function display() { $this->checkID(); echo $this->_id."<br />\n"; } } $f = new inputText(); echo $f -> display();
Ok, what you're seeing is related to the order in which PHP tries to find matching symbols. In checkID() it will not use __get() because it can access the member variable directly. When display() does it the fact that $_id is private trips it up so it falls back to trying __get(). The __get() is triggered everywhere as long as a better match cannot be found.
If you really need to have both go through __get(), name the internal private vars differently and have __get() translate the external name to the internal name.
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