Stut wrote:
mall, minor, insignificant point.... If I have less than 5 files this
loop will never end. But you all knew that right?
Yup. I break out of the loop if $i reaches 10 for some weird reason.
Also, depending on the frequency of files (i.e. are there months-worth
of gaps or minutes at most), the following might be faster...
Theoretically, minutes. I mean, the thing has been down in the
past, for months at a time, but it's been running fine for the past
month (and I plan on keeping it that way.) So, unless I get hit by a
bus, and unless the file system gets full, and unless somehow the camera
quits, it'll be fine. I know, way too many 'unless's... It's a way of
life. :)
-- A
W | It's not a bug - it's an undocumented feature.
Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:ashley@xxxxxxxxxx> . 303.442.6410 x130
IT Director / SysAdmin / Websmith . 800.441.3873 x130
Photo Craft Imaging . 3550 Arapahoe Ave. #6 ..... . . . Boulder, CO 80303, U.S.A.
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