At 08:07 PM 11/21/2006, J R wrote:
yes for this project i think you'll better off with flash and if you want to
interact with server side there's an open source project called amfPHP [1].
It is a flash remoting solution, using php on the server side. i'm not sure
of its current status.
It's not a big deal from the Flash side, you use either sendAndLoad() or if
your data is more complex and structured, then XML() to call a PHP script.
A lot of Flash examples use files loaded from the file system.
I did not use amfPHP because when I needed to do this the first time work
on that library seemed to have halted. I think it's really provided so that
Flash designers / developers have an alternative to Flash Remoting which
can simply be "used".
Make certain your PHP script generates properly formed XML. As this was
text, with unpredictable content, I had to use CDATA[], otherwise parsing
the XML on the Flash side was very unpredictable. There are a couple
of libraries to parse XML on the Flash side which eases that part of the work.
Here's an example, using Actionscript to call a PHP script in Flash to
retrieve the news stories for a given day from the database. getNodes() and
displayContent() are custom functions, so don't look in the manual. Host is
set in an .as file.
This is Actionscript 2 (AS2); Flash is now up to Actionscript 3 I believe.
Caution: The format of some functions changed between AS1 and AS2 and the
Flash compiler DOES NOT TRAP THE DIFFERENCE. A good example is
sendAndLoad() which used to be SendAndLoad(). No complaint about an unknown
function, but suddenly the movie just-did-not-work. I've not worked with
AS3 so don't know about any of its quirks.
As for the formatting, the way the tabs blew out reinforces argument
someone made for spaces earlier today. I don't do that, I set a tab to be
equivalent to 3 spaces in all my editors. As for the style of braces, these
days I tend to put the left brace immediately following the function name.
Hope this will be helpful.
Regards - Miles
function getStories(dtChosen)
var xmlReceiver:XML = new XML();
xmlReceiver.ignoreWhite = true;
if( dtChsn == "" )
xmlReceiver.load( "http://" + host + "feedNewsXml.php");
xmlReceiver.load( "http://" + host +
"feedNewxXml.php?dtArticle="+ dtChsn);
xmlReceiver.onLoad = function( success:Boolean )
// If the vars loaded successfully...
if (success)
arrHeads = getNodes( this, "head");
arrShrtHeads = getNodes( this, "shrthead" );
arrStorys = getNodes( this, "story");
txtNews.text = "<b>Click a headline on left to
read the news story.</b> <br><br>"
txtNews.text += "To scroll either headlines and
news story, use: <br>"
txtNews.text += " <i>Page Up and
Page Down keys</i>, or <br>"
txtNews.text += " <i>Mouse
wheel</i>. <br><br>"
txtNews.text += "Remember to click in the frame
you want to scroll."
txtNews.selectable = False;
} else
// Otherwise tell the user the vars couldn't be loaded.
txtNews.text = "GetStories: Loading of news storys failed.";
} // end if (succes ..
} // end varReceiver.onLoad
} //end function GetStories()
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