tedd wrote:
Ohhh, so "badscript.php doesn't have to exist and the badscript.txt is
imported via the url, the script is built using only the badscript.txt,
and then executed "as-is" -- clever.
Off to try that... :-)
Nope, that didn't work -- I still don't get it.
I realize that one can grab stuff from another server, but I still don't
see how one can do this.
Ok, so badscript.php is a bad name for this script. Let's say show.php
is a script you've written. You were tired, the kids were running around
you screaming and shouting, and you wrote something like the following
without really thinking about it...
// Do other stuff here, using functions in commonfuncs.inc.php
The *bad guy* can now hit the URL...
This causes show.php to include (i.e. execute!!) the remote file
injectionscript.txt from badguys.net at this URL...
Since this gets executed on your server it can do anything one of your
scripts can do. The only symptom would be that show.php will not work
for that request. Do the bad guys care? Probably not, because by the
time it fails they've already replaced your index.php and potentially
installed a rootkit, backdoors and whatever else (depending, of course,
on how locked down the web server is and your file permissions).
Hope that makes sense now.
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