On 03 Nov 2006, at 15:56 , Stut wrote:
Google Kreme wrote:
On 03 Nov 2006, at 12:32 , Myron Turner wrote:
2. Why do you need this complex expression to split at a comma? This
'/,/' would do the trick. And even simpler
explode(',', $line);
Because I need to split only at the FIRST comma.
explode(',', $line, 2);
Heh. This is why I post here. Last time I posted I was told to use
preg_split. Explode is simpler.
BTW, preg_split works it I change $line to trim($line), which is
needed for explode too, else the 'name' part ends up with a return
Code as it stands now:
$CID_FILE= '/home/user/caller_id.txt';
echo ' <h1>PHP Caller ID Info for procmail ('.$CID_FILE.') </
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$cid[$i] = explode(',',trim($line),2);
// This line works too
// $cid[$i]=preg_split('/^([^,]+),\s?(.*)/', trim($line),
echo '<form action="'. $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] .'" method="post">';
echo '<table>';
foreach ($cid as $line) {
$count = substr('00'.$i,-3);
echo '
<label for="phone'.$count.'">Phone #'.$count.':</label>
<input name="phone'.$count.'" maxlength="14" value="'.
$line['0'].'" />
<label for="name'.$count.'">Name #'.$count.':</label>
<input name="name'.$count.'" maxlength="34" value="'.
$line['1'].'" />
echo '</table>
<input name="submit" type="submit" tabindex="99" a />
Course, there's nothing there to process the submit as yet. And yes,
I will combine these into one for-each and a function call.
A marriage is always made up of two people who are prepared to swear
that only the other one snores.
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